Georg Friedrich Händel: Hercules

2 DVDs

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  • Eine Produktion des Palais Garnier Paris; Regie: Luc Bondy
  • Laufzeit: 190 Min.
  • Tonformat: stereo/DSS 5.1
  • Bild: Widescreen (NTSC)
  • Untertitel: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
  • Künstler: William Shimell, Joyce DiDonato, Toby Spence, Ingela Bohlin, Les Arts Florissants, William Christie
  • Label: BelAir, 2004
  • FSK ab 0 freigegeben
  • Erscheinungstermin: 17.2.2006
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Disk 1 von 2 (DVD)

Hercules (Herkules) Hwv 60 (Oratorium) (Gesamtaufnahme)
  1. 1 Ouvertüre (1. Akt)
  2. 2 See, with what sad dejectio in her looks
  3. 3 Non longer, Fate, relentless frown
  4. 4 O Hercules! why art thou absent from me?
  5. 5 The world, when day's career is run - Princess! be comfored, and hope the best
  6. 6 My son! dear image of thy absent sire!
  7. 7 I feel, I feel the god, he fills my breast!
  8. 8 He said, the sacred fury left his breast
  9. 9 There is myrtle shades reclined
  10. 10 Despair not; but let rising hope suspend excess of grief
  11. 11 Where congeal 'd the northern streams
  12. 12 O filial piety! courageous love!
  13. 13 Banish your fears! Alcmena's god-like son lives
  14. 14 Begone, my fears, fly, hence, away
  15. 15 A train of captives
  16. 16 The smiling hours
  17. 17 Let none despair, relief may come though late
  18. 18 March
  19. 19 Thanks to the pow'rs above, but chief to thee, father of gods
  20. 20 My father! ah! methinks I see
  21. 21 Now farewell, arms! from hence the tide of time - The god of battle quits the bloddy field
  22. 22 Crown with festal pomp the day
  23. 23 Sinfonia (2. Akt)
  24. 24 Why was I born a princess - How blest the maid, ordain'd to dwell
  25. 25 It must be so! fame speaks aloud my wrongs
  26. 26 When beauty sorrow's liv'ry wears
  27. 27 Whence this unjust suspicion?
  28. 28 Ah think! what ills the jealous prove - It is too sure that Hercules is false
  29. 29 My godlike master? - As stars that rise and disappear
  30. 30 In vain you strive his falshood to disguise
  31. 31 Jealousy! Infernal pest
  32. 32 She knows my passion, and has bared me breathe my am'rous vouws
  33. 33 Banish love from thy breast
  34. 34 Forgive a passion, which restless sways - From celestial seats descending
  35. 35 Wanton god of am'rous fires
  36. 36 Yes, I congratulate your titles
  37. 37 Alcides' name in latest story
  38. 38 Oh, glorious pattern of heroic deeds!
  39. 39 Resign thy club and lion's spoils
  40. 40 You are deceived! some villain has belied
  41. 41 Dissembling, false perfidous Hercules
  42. 42 Cease, ruler of the day, to rise
  43. 43 Some kinder pow'r inspire me to regain
  44. 44 Lichas, thy hands shall to the temple bear - But see, the princess Iole
  45. 45 Forgive me Princess, if my jealous frenzy
  46. 46 Joys of freedom, joys of pow'r
  47. 47 Father of Hercules, great Jove, oh, help - Love an Hymen, hand in hand

Disk 2 von 2 (DVD)

  1. 1 Sinfonia (3. Akt)
  2. 2 Ye sons of Trachin, mourn your valiant chief
  3. 3 Oh, scene of uneampled woe!
  4. 4 Oh, fatal jealousy! - Tyrants now no more shall dread
  5. 5 Oh, Jove! what land is this?
  6. 6 Great Jove! releive his pains!
  7. 7 Let not fame the tidings spread
  8. 8 Where sahell I fly? where hide this guilty head?
  9. 9 Lo the fair fatal cause of all this ruin
  10. 10 My breast with tender pity swells
  11. 11 Princess, rejoice! whose heav'n-directed hand
  12. 12 Words are too faint so speak the warring passions
  13. 13 O prince, whose virtues all admire
  14. 14 Ye sons of freedom, now in ev'ry clime - To him your gratitude duly belongs

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