Georg Friedrich Händel: Acis und Galatea (1716)

Acis und Galatea (1716)
2 CDs
CD (Compact Disc)

Herkömmliche CD, die mit allen CD-Playern und Computerlaufwerken, aber auch mit den meisten SACD- oder Multiplayern abspielbar ist.

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    • Künstler: Sophie Daneman, Patricia Petibon, Paul Agnew, Les Arts Florissants, William Christie
    • Label: Erato, DDD, 1998
    • Erscheinungstermin: 15.6.2012
    • Tracklisting
    • Details
    • Mitwirkende

    Disk 1 von 2 (CD)

    Acis und Galatea HV 49 (Oper in 2 Akten) (Gesamtaufnahme)
    1. 1 Sinfonia (1. Akt)
    2. 2 Oh, the pleasure of the plains!
    3. 3 Ye verdant plaits and woody mountains
    4. 4 Hush, ye pretty warbling quire!
    5. 5 Where shall I seek the charming fair?
    6. 6 Stay, shepherd, stay!
    7. 7 Shepherd, what art thou pursuing?
    8. 8 Lo! Here my love
    9. 9 Love in her eyes sits playing
    10. 10 Oh! Didst thou know the pains of absent love
    11. 11 As when the dove laments her love
    12. 12 Happy we! What joys I feel!
    13. 13 Happy we! What joys I feel!

    Disk 2 von 2 (CD)

    1. 1 Wretched lovers! Fate has passed this sad decree (2. Akt)
    2. 2 I rage, I melt, I burn!
    3. 3 O ruddier than the cherry
    4. 4 Whither, fairest, art thou running
    5. 5 Cease to beauty to be suing
    6. 6 Would you gain the tender creature, soflty, gently, kindly treat her
    7. 7 His hideous love provokes my rage
    8. 8 Love sounds th'alarm, and fear is a-flying
    9. 9 Consider, fond shepherd, how fleeting's the pleasure
    10. 10 Cease, oh cease, thou gentle youth
    11. 11 The flocks shall leave the mountains
    12. 12 Help, Galatea! Help, ye parent gods!
    13. 13 Mourn, all ye muses! Weep, all ye swains!
    14. 14 Must I my Acis still bemoan, inglorious crush'd beneath that stone? - Cease, Galathea, cease to grieve!
    15. 15 'Tis done: thus I exert pow'r divine; be thou immortal
    16. 16 Heart, the seat of soft delight, be thou now a fountain bright!
    17. 17 Galatea, dry thy tears, Acis now a god appears!

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