Since the second edition of this widely acclaimed book was published, virtual reality technology continued to evolve, with new applications emerging in medicine, oil exploration, defense, manufacturing, and video games. The Third Edition brings the field completely up to date, giving scientists and engineers a thorough understanding of virtual reality and its current state of the art. Focusing equally on hardware, software, and applications, this work also discusses key design issues involving human factors. Many supplementary materials, including a Laboratory Manual and companion website are also included.
Biografie (Grigore C. Burdea)
Grigore C. Burdea is a professor at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, and author of the book Force and Touch Feedback for Virtual Reality, also published by Wiley.
Biografie (Philippe Coiffet)
Philippe Coiffet is a Director of Research at CNRS (French National Scientific Research Center) and Member of the National Academy of Technologies of France. He has authored twenty books on robotics and virtual reality, which have been translated into several languages.