Eastern and Central European Voices

Ansicht: 8 entries

Kalina Wojciechowska, Mariusz Rosik
A Structural Commentary on the So-Called Antilegomena

Eastern and Central European Voices - 3.3, Part 1

The structural approach facilitates exposure of the elements of eschatological teaching characteristic of 2 Peter's author with its correct or incorrect interpretation. Narratives drawn from Jewish tradit…

available for immediate delivery
EUR 130.00*

Kalina Wojciechowska, Mariusz Rosik
A Structural Commentary on the So-Called Antilegomena

Eastern and Central European Voices - Volume 3.3, Part 2

The structural approach facilitates exposure of the elements of eschatological teaching characteristic of 2 Peter's author with its correct or incorrect interpretation. Narratives drawn from Jewish tradit…

available for immediate delivery
EUR 90.00*

Andrzej Koziel
Art and Mysticism in Silesia in the Baroque Period

Eastern and Central European Voices - 9, Part

This volume deals with original mystical initiatives and related artistic realizations, which were created in the circle of the outstanding Silesian poet and theologian, Johannes Scheffler, known as Angel…

lieferbar ab 14.4.2025.
EUR 130.00*

Kalina Wojciechowska, Mariusz Rosik
Buchpaket - A Structural Commentary on the So-Called Antilegomena

Eastern and Central European Voices - Volume , Part

The structural approach facilitates exposure of the elements of eschatological teaching characteristic of 2 Peter's author with its correct or incorrect interpretation. Narratives drawn from Jewish tradit…

available for immediate delivery
EUR 200.00*

Cistercian Abbey in Krzeszów

Eastern and Central European Voices - 10, Part

Was the Cistercian abbey in Krzeszów really a European center of art and theological thought? This study in eight chapters tries to answer this question. The first chapter shows how deep the foundations o…

lieferbar ab 16.6.2025.
EUR 99.00*

Contextuality of the Bible in Lithuania until the End of the Eighteenth Century

Eastern and Central European Voices - 8, Part

The collective book by Lithuanian researchers presents research conducted in Lithuania on the historical and socio-cultural contexts of the Bible and the ways in which it functioned in Lithuanian writing …

available for immediate delivery
EUR 130.00*

Marcin Kolodziej
Liturgia semper reformanda

Eastern and Central European Voices - 7, Part

The provisions contained in can. 838 of CCL refer to important issues, related to the adaptation and accommodation of liturgical law. They have always been the subject of attentive and continuous interest…

lieferbar ab 14.7.2025.
EUR 120.00*

Krzysztof Pawlina
New Shepherds

Eastern and Central European Voices - 7, Part

Krzysztof Pawlina presents in his book a profile of a candidate for the priesthood who enters a seminary in Poland. The study was first conducted by survey method in 2000 and then repeated twenty years la…

available for immediate delivery
EUR 130.00*
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