Born 2 Die (Blu-ray)
Born 2 Die (Blu-ray)
Blu-ray Disc
Blu-Ray Disc
The Blu-Ray was developed as a high-definition successor to the DVD and offers a significantly increased data rate and storage capacity compared to its predecessor. Blu-Rays can therefore store movies with significantly better resolution and offer enormously high picture quality on corresponding screens. Blu-Ray players are usually backward compatible with DVDs, so that they can also be played.
- Country of origin:
- USA, 2003
- Age release:
- FSK (volunteer German film censoring) approved as of 16 years
- Item number:
- 2871533
- 5051890109927
- Release date:
- 24.8.2012
- Director:
- Andrzej Bartkowiak
- Actor:
- Jet Li, Anthony Anderson, DMX, Kelly Hu
- Original title:
- Cradle 2 the Grave
- Language:
- Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
- Sound Format:
- stereo/DTS-HD 5.1
- Picture:
- Widescreen
- Subtitles:
- Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
- Specials:
- Behind the Scenes, Dokumentationen, Music Video
About the film
High Speed und Non-Stop-Action sowie coole, innovative Kampfszenen: Dafür garantieren "Matrix"-Produzent Joel Silver und Andrzej Bartkowiak, Regisseur von "Romeo Must Die" und "Exit Wounds". Auf spektakuläre Weise inszenieren sie in "Born 2 Die" die Story um den Meisterdieb Tony Fait (Star-Rapper DMX), der eine ungewöhnliche Allianz mit dem Special Agent Su (Martial-Arts-Master Jet Li) eingeht, um seine gekidnappte Tochter im Austausch gegen unschätzbar wertvolle Diamanten zu retten.
Born 2 Die (Blu-ray)
EUR 8.99*