Paul Moravec: Sanctuary Road (Oratorium) on CD
Sanctuary Road (Oratorium)
Laquita Mitchell, Raehann Bryce-Davis, Joshua Blue, Malcolm J. Merriweather, Dashon Burton, Kent Tritle, Oratorio Society of New York Chorus, Oratorio Society of New York Orchestra
CD (Compact Disc)
Conventional CD, playable with all CD players and computer drives, but also with most SACD or multiplayers.
- Artists:
- Laquita Mitchell, Raehann Bryce-Davis, Joshua Blu, Malcolm J. Merriweather, Dashon Burton, Oratorio Society of New York Chorus, Oratorio Society of New York Orchestra, Kent Tritle
- Label:
- Naxos
- Year of recording ca.:
- 2018
- Item number:
- 9574485
- 0636943988428
- Release date:
- 13.12.2019
- Series:
- Naxos American Classics
Nach dem Erfolg seiner Oper The Shining hat der mit dem Pulitzer-Preis ausgezeichnete Komponist Paul Moravec erneut mit dem Librettisten Mark Campbell zusammengearbeitet, um das zweite seiner "amerikanischen historischen Oratorien" zu schaffen. Sanctuary Road stützt sich auf die erstaunlichen Geschichten in William Stills Buch The Underground Railroad, in dem das Netz von Geheimrouten und Unterschlüpfen dokumentiert wird, das afroamerikanische Sklaven Anfang bis Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts nutzten, um in die freien Staaten und nach Kanada zu fliehen. Die epische Natur dieser Geschichten von Mut, Ausdauer und Opferbereitschaft wird in eine fesselnde Saga verwandelt, die hier bei der Uraufführung in der Carnegie Hall zu hören ist - eine Aufführung, die von BroadwayWorld für ihre "fesselnde, pulsierende Klangwand [und] stellaren Solisten" gefeiert wurde.
After the success of his opera The Shining, Pulitzer Prize-winning composer Paul Moravec has once again collaborated with librettist Mark Campbell to create the second of his “American historical oratorios.” Sanctuary Road draws on the astonishing stories to be found in William Still’s book The Underground Railroad, which documents the network of secret routes and safe houses used by African American slaves to escape into free states and Canada during the early- to mid-1800s. The epic nature of these stories of courage, perseverance and sacrifice is transformed into an enthralling saga, heard here at its world premiere performance at Carnegie Hall—a performance acclaimed by BroadwayWorld for its “riveting, pulsating wall of sound [and] stellar soloists.”
Product Information
After the success of his opera The Shining, Pulitzer Prize-winning composer Paul Moravec has once again collaborated with librettist Mark Campbell to create the second of his “American historical oratorios.” Sanctuary Road draws on the astonishing stories to be found in William Still’s book The Underground Railroad, which documents the network of secret routes and safe houses used by African American slaves to escape into free states and Canada during the early- to mid-1800s. The epic nature of these stories of courage, perseverance and sacrifice is transformed into an enthralling saga, heard here at its world premiere performance at Carnegie Hall—a performance acclaimed by BroadwayWorld for its “riveting, pulsating wall of sound [and] stellar soloists.”
Disk 1 von 1 (CD)
Sanctuary Road (Oratorium) (2017)
1 Write
2 Quietly
3 Reward!
4 The same train
5 Interview 1
6 Run 1
7 This side up
8 I waited
9 Run 2
10 Interview 2
11 Aunt Abigail
12 Run 3
13 Interview 3
14 Rain
15 Intermezzo: 1861-1865
16 Finale
17 "Write it" - Reflections on Sanctuary Road