Weitere Ausgaben von The Political System of Germany
This book offers a systematic, theory-based, and empirically grounded introduction to the political system of Germany. Compared to other textbooks on government and politics in Germany, it has two particular benefits. First, it analyzes the individual dimensions of the German political system from a uniform theoretical perspective based on the well-known distinction between majoritarian and consensus democracy. Second, it particularly explains how political decision-making in the multi-level system takes place, including the local, state, federal as well as EU levels. This way, the book provides a comprehensive, detailed, and clear picture of how German democracy is organized and how it works.
Biografie (Wolfgang Schroeder)
PD Dr. Wolfgang Schroeder, geboren 1960 in Mayen, Studium der Sozialwissenschaften in Marburg, Wien, Tübingen und Frankfurt. Seit 1991 Mitarbeit beim Vorstand der IG Metall, Vertretungsprofessur an der TU Darmstadt. Privatdozent an der Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität Frannkfurt. Veröffentlichungen.
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