Nonfiction Reading Comprehension is designed to help seventh- to eighth-grade students strengthen and practice their nonfiction reading comprehension skills and develop strategies for successfully performing standardized assessments (online or print). The skills section focuses on different nonfiction reading comprehension skills, such as identifying central idea, making inferences, recognizing point of view, or citing evidence. The nonfiction reading selections cover a variety of content areas: science, history, geography, economics, and informational text. Reading selections are followed by an assessment page featuring multiple-choice questions and constructed-response questions similar to the types of assessments found on standardized tests. Questions cover the most tested reading comprehension skills, such as locating information, determining the meaning of words or phrases, identifying the main idea, drawing inferences, and compare / contrast. The paired passages section includes two reading selections on a related topic followed by assessment questions. Skills covered include: - Reading Comprehension - Making Inferences - Textual Evidence - Central Idea - Summary - Word Meaning - Author's Purpose - Textual Structure