"A subtle psychological portrait of the author's relationship with his father during the twentieth-century battle for Palestinian human rights. Aziz Shehadeh was many things: lawyer, activist, and political detainee, he was also the father of bestselling author and activist Raja. In this new and searingly personal memoir, Raja Shehadeh unpicks the snags and complexities of their relationship. A vocal and fearless opponent, Aziz resists under the British mandatory period, then under Jordan, and, finally, under Israel. As a young man, Raja fails to recognize his father's courage and, in turn, his father does not appreciate Raja's own efforts in campaigning for Palestinian human rights. When Aziz is murdered in 1985, it changes Raja irrevocably. This is not only the story of the battle against the various oppressors of the Palestinians, but a moving portrait of a particular father and son relationship"--
Raja Shehadeh, geboren 1951, studierte in Beirut Literaturwissenschaft und in London Jura. 1979 gründete er die Menschenrechtsorganisation Law in the Service of Man, deren Anliegen es ist, internationales Recht in den besetzten Gebieten geltend zu machen. Shehadeh lebt in seiner Geburtsstadt Ramallah. Für Wanderungen in Palästina wurde ihm 2008 der Orwell-Preis verliehen, Großbritanniens wichtigste Auszeichnung für politisches Schreiben.