This advanced undergraduate textbook provides a thoroughly modern overview of plate tectonics and is the perfect resource for a capstone geology course. It presents plate tectonics as a multifaceted, interdisciplinary theory that unites many different geological observations and processes into a harmonious model so that readers grasp how the outer part of our planet works in relation to the deep interior. Supported by clear prose, helpful analogies, and stunning colour imagery, readers will gain an in-depth understanding of how and why plates interact to produce different topography, rock assemblages and deformation features along plate boundaries. Written by an author pairing renowned for their research, teaching, and textbook writing experience, this text covers necessary ground for a single-semester course without overwhelming readers and offers a truly accessible introduction to quantitative topics. Student-friendly features chart clear paths through every chapter and a rich suite of online resources bring plate tectonics to life.
Biografie (Haakon Fossen)
Haakon Fossen is Professor of Structural Geology at the University of Bergen, Norway, where he is affiliated with the Department of Earth Science, the Natural History Collections, and the Centre for Integrated Petroleum Research (CIPR). His professional career has involved work as an exploration and production geologist/geophysicist for Statoil and as a Professor at the University of Bergen (1996 to present), in addition to periods of geologic mapping and mineral exploration in Norway. His research ranges from hard to soft rocks and includes studies of folds, shear zones, formation and collapse of the Caledonian Orogen, numerical modeling of deformation (transpression), the evolution of the North Sea rift, and studies of deformed sandstones in the western United States. He has conducted extensive field work in various parts of the world, notably Norway, Utah/Colorado, and Sinai, and his research is based on field mapping, microscopy, physical and numerical modeling, geochronology and seismic interpretation. Professor Fossen has been involved in editing several international geology journals, has authored over 90 scientific publications, and has written two books and several book chapters. He has taught undergraduate structural geology courses for over ten years and has a keen interest in developing electronic teaching resources to aid student visualization and understanding of geological structures.