The Essential Textbook for Mastering Chemical Reaction Engineering--Now Fully Updated with Expanded Coverage of Electrochemical Reactors H. Scott Fogler's Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, now in its seventh edition, continues to set the standard as the leading textbook in chemical reaction engineering. This edition, coauthored by Bryan R. Goldsmith, Eranda Nikolla, and Nirala Singh, still offers Fogler's engaging and active learning experience, with updated content and expanded coverage of electrochemical reactors. Reflecting current theories and practices, and with a continuing emphasis on safety and sustainability, this edition includes expanded sections on molecular simulation methods, analysis of experimental reactor data, and catalytic reactions. Leveraging the power of Wolfram, Python, POLYMATH, and MATLAB, students can explore the intricacies of reactions and reactors through realistic simulation experiments. This hands-on approach allows students to clearly understand the practical applications of theoretical concepts. This book prepares undergraduate students to apply chemical reaction kinetics and physics to the design of chemical reactors. Advanced chapters cover graduate-level topics, including diffusion and reaction models, residence time distribution, and tools to model non-ideal reactors. The seventh edition includes An expanded section on molecular simulation methods and potential energy surfacesUpdated examples of experimental reactor data and its analysisDetailed discussion of definitions in catalysis and examples of catalytic reactionsAdditional examples and an expanded section on surface reaction mechanisms and microkinetic modelingA new chapter on electrochemical reactors with example problems, reflecting the growing importance of this field in renewable energy and industrial processes About the Companion Web Site (umich. edu/~elements / 7e / index. html) Comprehensive PowerPoint slides for lecture notes for chemical reaction engineering classesLinks to additional software, including POLYMATHTM, MATLABTM, Python, Wolfram MathematicaTM, AspenTechTM, and COMSOLTMInteractive learning resources linked to each chapter, including Learning Objectives, Summary Notes, Web Modules, Interactive Computer Games, Solved Problems, FAQs, additional homework problems, and links to LearnChemE and other resourcesLiving Example Problems provide interactive simulations, allowing students to explore the examples and ask "what-if" questionsProfessional Reference Shelf, which includes advanced content on reactors, weighted least squares, experimental planning, pharmacokinetics, detailed explanations of key derivations, and moreRedesigned Web site to increase accessibility Register your book for convenient access to downloads, updates, and / or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details.