Of all of the many illustrious champions in tennis, there are few whose names are as synonymous with Wimbledon as Boris Becker, who, in 2015, celebrates the 30th anniversary of his remarkable entry into the sport's pantheon of greats. Boris's story is almost without parallel in tennis, from astonishing teenage talent, to champion, to a renowned television commentator, manager, and now as coach to one of the world's greatest contemporary players, Novak Djokovic. In this wonderful new book, Boris shares his unique story, tracing his career through the many changes in the sport but which has, at its heart, his loving relationship with Wimbledon, the place where it all began for him. He will talk frankly about his own career, how it transformed his life and those of so many others, reflecting on what it was like to play in the era of McEnroe, Connors, Lendl and Edberg - about the highs and lows of his life as played on the grand stage of Centre Court, amongst others; the changes that have transpired in fitness, the media, the partying, the equipment, the tactics, the personalities, the technology, and the commerce.
Biografie (Boris Becker)
Boris Becker, geboren 1961 in Köln, Studium bei Bernd und Hilla Becher an der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf.