"In the year 198 of the Age of the Sun, Tokyo is a crowded cosmopolis. But the world's most populous city is threatened by devils that cause people to burst into flame at random! The only ones who can stop it are the Fire Force, a team of specialized firefighters. The young Shinra, blessed with the ability to ignite his feet and travel at the speed of a rocket, wants nothing more than to be a hero, and knows that this is the place for him! But he's not the best at following orders ..."--Provided by publisher.
Atsushi Ohkubo arbeitete während seiner Fachhochschulzeit zwei Jahre lang als Assitent des Mangaka Rando Ayamine, dem Zeichner der Serie "Get Backers". Nach seiner Assistentenzeit errang Ohkubo im Oktober 2000 den zweiten Platz bei "3. Enix Shinseiki Manga-Preis". Damit debütierte er im Monatsmagazin "Shonen Gangan" des japanischen Verlags Square Enix.