This newly repackaged paperback features simple everyday exercises for optimum health.
Thousands have found renewed health and increased sensory awareness through the Feldenkrais method as explained in Awareness Through Movement. Here is a way for people of every age to integrate physical and mental development into a new, invigorating wholeness. Feldenkrais provides a modern-day, practical program for the perennial ideal of a healthy mind in a healthy body. His down-to-earth method carefully avoids any mystical component and never obliges any pupil to master abstruse theories. Exercises for posture, eyes, imagination, and more will simultaneously build better body habits and focus new dimensions of awareness, self-image, and human potential. "The exercises are so simple and so ingenious they lead on to other which one can invent in the same style. It is so clever to develop the body by making the mind and senses aware of each side of the body separately. It increases the subtlety of sensation and starts a competitive cycle as each side stimulates the other." - YEHUDI MENUHIN
Thousands have found renewed health and increased sensory awareness through the Feldenkrais method as explained in Awareness Through Movement. Here is a way for people of every age to integrate physical and mental development into a new, invigorating wholeness. Feldenkrais provides a modern-day, practical program for the perennial ideal of a healthy mind in a healthy body. His down-to-earth method carefully avoids any mystical component and never obliges any pupil to master abstruse theories. Exercises for posture, eyes, imagination, and more will simultaneously build better body habits and focus new dimensions of awareness, self-image, and human potential.
Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-84) hat die Möglichkeit und Notwendigkeit, die Funktionsweise der menschlichen Motorik zu verändern, wissenschaftlich belegt. Die Feldenkrais-Methode hat zum Ziel, die Kontrolle über den eigenen Körper zu verbessern, fehlerhafte Bewegungsmuster zu korrigieren, Spannungen zu reduzieren und die Spontaneität zu wecken.