Set in Nigeria during the 1960s, at the time of a vicious civil war in which a million people died and thousands were massacred in cold blood. The three main characters in the novel are swept up in the violence during these turbulent years. One is a young boy from a poor village who is employed at a university lecturer's house. The other is a young middle-class woman, Olanna, who has to confront the reality of the massacre of her relatives. And the third is a white man, a writer who lives in Nigeria for no clear reason, and who falls in love with Olanna's sister, a remote and enigmatic character. As these people's lives intersect, they have to question their own responses to the unfolding political events...
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, geboren 1977 in Nigeria, studierte Medizin und Kommunikationswissenschaften, ging 1998 in die USA, bekam mehrere Preise für ihre Kurzgeschichten. "Blauer Hibiskus" war auf der "Shortlist" für den "Orange Fiction Prize 2004".