Search Results "Thomas Hobbs" - all CDs, Bücher, LPs und mehr

We could not find any exact matches to your search for "thomas hobbs". Maybe these items match your search.


Giovanni Bottesini (1821-1889)
Duett Nr.2 für 2 Kontrabässe

Thomas Martin, Timothy Cob, Christopher Oldfather

Item in stock
Current price: EUR 14.99

All the World's a Stage (Music for William Shakespeare)

Musica Donum Dei

Item in stock
Current price: EUR 11.99

Hille Perl - Why Not Here (Music for two Lyra Viols)

Hille Perl & Friederike Heumann (Viola da gamba), Lee Santana & Michael Freimuth (Laute)

Item in stock
Current price: EUR 19.99

The Topping Tooters of the Town

The City Musick, William Lyons

Item in stock
Previous price EUR 18.99, reduced by 26%
Current price: EUR 13.99

Dolls - Schau hin oder stirb (Blu-ray)

Der mit seiner Alkoholsucht und der beruflichen Zukunft kämpfende Kinderbuchautor Robert Holbrook und seine rebellische Tochter Sammey ziehen in das verlassene Haus seiner gerade verstorbenen Mutter. Beim…

deliverable within 1-2 weeks
Blu-ray Disc
Current price: EUR 11.99

Thomas Morley (1557-1602)
The Triumphs of Oriana (Madrigalsammlung 1601)

I Fagiolini, Robert Hollingworth

Item is in stock at our supplier and can be shipped immediately.
Current price: EUR 19.99

Toys for Two - From Dowland to California (Musik für Harfe & Laute)

Margret Köll (Harfe), Luca Pianca (Laute)

Item is in stock at our supplier and can be shipped immediately.
Current price: EUR 19.99

Elizabethan Music - The Queen's Men

Camerata of London, Glenda Simpson, Barry Mason

deliverable within one week
Current price: EUR 12.99

Elizabethan Life in Music, Song and Poetry

Jeremy Brett (Reader), Robert Spencer (Laute), Purcell Consort of Voices, Grayston Burgess

deliverable within one week
Current price: EUR 12.99

Cries & Ballads of London

Ensemble Circa 1500, Hadden

deliverable within one week
Previous price EUR 13.99, reduced by 7%
Current price: EUR 12.99

Julien Martin - Consort Music & Airs for the Flute

Julien Martin, Capriccio Stravagante, Skip Sempe

Item in stock
Previous price EUR 24.99, reduced by 60%
Current price: EUR 9.99

Julian Bream - The Golden Age of Lute Music

Julian Bream (Laute)

Item is in stock at our supplier and can be shipped immediately.
Current price: EUR 9.99

Maurice Andre - Royal Brass Music

Maurice Andre (Trompete), Jean Pirot (Trompete), Maurice Suzan (Posaune), Henri Arque (Posaune), Camille Verdier (Posaune), Bernard Gallot (Posaune), Ensemble orchestral de l'Oiseau-Lyre, Pierre Colombo, …

deliverable within one week
Current price: EUR 12.99

In Echo - Music In A Cold Climate

In Echo, Gawain Glenton

Item is in stock at our supplier and can be shipped immediately.
Previous price EUR 24.99, reduced by 20%
Current price: EUR 19.99

Englische Consortmusik

Musica Dolce, Clas Pehrsson

Item is in stock at our supplier and can be shipped immediately.
Current price: EUR 19.99

Jospeh Haydn
Concerto per il Violone E-Dur Hob. VIIc:1

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
Noten für Kb Solo, Orchester
Current price: EUR 26.80

Jospeh Haydn
Concerto per il Violone D-Dur Hob. VIIc:1

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
Noten für Kb Solo, Orchester
Current price: EUR 26.80

Jospeh Haydn
Concerto per il Violone E-Dur Hob. VIIc:1

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
Noten für Kb Solo, Klavier
Current price: EUR 20.80

Jospeh Haydn
Concerto per il Violone D-Dur Hob. VIIc:1

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
Noten für Kb Solo, Klavier
Current price: EUR 20.80

The Da Vinci Sound

Josquin Desprez: Scaramella va alla guerra; El grillo e buon cantore; Adieu mes amours; La deploration de Jehan Ockeghem; Ave Maria, gratia plena; In te Domine speravi, per trovar pieta +Henry VIII: Pasti…

deliverable within one week
2 CDs
Current price: EUR 12.99
Information on availability or release dates for items is based on information that we receive from our suppliers. These dates are not guaranteed and are subject to change at any time.