Ezra Coad has lived in the little cottage on the edge of the Trengrose estate all his life. He was born there, his father was born there, and his grandfather before him, and it is his own little paradise. But when Eliza Rosevear, the mistress of the estate, dies without leaving a will, the ownership of Ezra's cottage comes into question. Especially when financier Toby Hardman and his wife acquire Trengrose House, and move in. Toby at once sniffs an opportunity to acquire the rundown cottage to rent out to Cornish tourists. Can Ezra find a way to hold on to his home? And when Toby Hardman removes the ancient Celtic cross that gives the estate its name, battle lines are drawn between them. But it turns out the recently deceased mistress of Trengrose took some secrets to her grave. And she doesn't intend to rest quietly until they come to light...
JANE JOHNSON stammt aus Cornwall und hat zwanzig Jahre lang in der Buchbranche gearbeitet: als Buchhändlerin, als Programmleiterin bei HarperCollins und als Autorin von Jugendliteratur und Fantasy. 2005 ist sie nach Marokko geflogen, um dort das Schicksal einer entfernten Verwandten zu recherchieren, die 1625 von berberischen Piraten entführt und auf dem Sklavenmarkt verkauft wurde. Während ihrer Recherchen in Marokko hat Jane Johnson einen Einheimischen kennengelernt, mit dem sie mittlerweile verheiratet ist. Die Autorin lebt teilweise in Marokko und teilweise in Cornwall.
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