Mountains as we know them were formed by a wide range of processes. This vivid introduction explains the course of orogeny (mountain formation) and the resulting structures, the cycles of plate tectonics and the evolution of landforms. It also presents surprising findings from the latest research. Popular travel destinations are described in detail ideal when preparing for a trip while a wealth of photos and graphics illustrate the text. Why are mountains as tall as they are? How does high-pressure rock come to the surface? Is there feedback between tectonics and the climate? How can mountains form without continental collision, far away from any plate boundaries? And how do we know all this? These and many other questions will be answered.
Florian Neukirchen hat Mineralogie in Freiburg studiert und sich als Diplom-Mineraloge in der Arbeitsgruppe von Prof. Gregor Markl in Tübingen mit exotischen magmatischen Gesteinen beschäftigt. Er nahm an wissenschaftlichen Expeditionen nach Tansania, Marokko und Grönland teil. Derzeit lebt und schreibt er in Leipzig.
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