This book considers the meaning of the term, considers the value and characteristics of Google Earth, and discusses the main driving forces of landscape change. Google Earth provides a means whereby one can identify changes in the landscapes of Earth over recent decades. This has been a time of great human activity, and landscapes have been transformed as a result of such factors as land use and land-cover change, climate change, the intensive harnessing of new energy sources, population pressures, and globalization. Many geologists now believe that the whole Earth System is being changed and that there is thus a need to introduce the concept of the Anthropocene. It then looks at specific landscape types, including rivers, coasts, lakes, deserts, tundra, and glaciers.
Andrew Goudie ist Professor für Geographie an der Universität Oxford. Er erhielt die Medaille der Royal Geographical Society und die Mungo Park Medaille der Royal Scottish Geographical Society. Er hat sich als Verfasser mehrerer erfolgreicher Lehrbücher einen Namen gemacht.
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