Some of the greatest of life's adventures can happen while you're sound asleep. That's the promise of lucid dreaming, which is the ability to alter your own dream reality any way you like simply by being aware of the fact that you're dreaming while you're in the midst of a dream. There is a range of techniques anyone can learn to become a lucid dreamer-and this book provides all the instruction you need to get started. But B. Alan Wallace also shows how to take the experience of lucid dreaming beyond entertainment to use it to heighten creativity, to solve problems, and to increase self-knowledge. He then goes a step further: moving on to the methods of Tibetan Buddhist dream yoga for using your lucid dreams to attain the profoundest kind of insight.
Biografie (B. Alan Wallace)
B. Alan Wallace beschäftigt sich seit mehr als 30 Jahren intensiv mit dem Buddhismus und war 14 Jahre Mönch und Schüler des Dalai Lama. Er leitet das Institut für Bewusstseinsforschung in Santa Barbara, Kalifornien, und ist Herausgeber und Autor von mehr als 40 Büchern an der Schnittstelle von Wissenschaft und Religion.
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