Search Results "Nitish Kumar" - all Bücher, DVDs und CDs

We could not find any exact matches to your search for "nitish kumar". Maybe these items match your search.


Friction Stir Welding and Processing XIII

This volume presents fundamentals and the current status of friction stir welding (FSW) and solid-state friction stir processing of materials and provides researchers and engineers with an opportunity to …

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
Current price: EUR 219.03

Child of Satan

Nachdem schon ein fürchterlicher Unfall bei Allisons Babyparty das Kindermädchen in spe in Krankenhaus brachte, steht die Geburt des kleinen Neron scheinbar unter keinem guten Stern. Als dann Komplikation…

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Current price: EUR 5.99

Satish Kumar
Soil, Soul, Society

"The age of sustainability is grounded on the knowledge that we ourselves are very much part of nature; that what we do to nature we in fact do to ourselves; and that the earth has a soul, which we share.…

deliverable within 1-2 weeks
Current price: EUR 18.45

Aavishkar Katti, Ritesh Kumar Chourasia
Bragg Fibers

This book highlights the guiding mechanisms as well as the most current and important results in the field of innovative, bio-inspired Bragg fibers. While conventional optical fibers (COF) have several ad…

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
Current price: EUR 175.23

Advances in Photonics and Electronics

The book presents the collated and high-quality proceedings of the Conference on Recent Technologies in Electronics and Photonics held during 9-10 February 2024 at MIT-WPU, Pune, India. The main objective…

deliverable within 2-3 weeks
Current price: EUR 219.03

Das Spiel mit der Liebe

Aarush hat einfach nur Pech. Eine Frau nach der anderen lässt ihn abblitzen. Er verdingt sich mehr schlecht als recht als Trickser und Barmann. Dann klappt es unerwartet doch mit der Liebe: Aarush finde…

Item in stock
2 DVDs
Previous price EUR 14.99, reduced by 53%
Current price: EUR 6.99
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