Igor Strawinsky: Igor Strawinsky - The Complete Columbia Album Collection

Igor Strawinsky - The Complete Columbia Album Collection
56 CDs, 1 DVD
CD (Compact Disc)

Herkömmliche CD, die mit allen CD-Playern und Computerlaufwerken, aber auch mit den meisten SACD- oder Multiplayern abspielbar ist.


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  • 1. CD Le Sacre du Printemps; A propos of Le Sacre (Kommentar von Igor Strawinsky)
    2.CD Petruschka-Suite; Scenes de Ballet; Divertimento aus Le Baiser de la fee
    3.CD Der Feuervogel
    4, CD Psalmensymphonie; Symphonie in 3 Sätzen
    5.CD Konzert für 2 Klaviere; Scherzo a la russe; Zirkuspolka; Tango; Werke von
    6 CD Orpheus; Messe
    7.CD Duo concertant für Violin & Klavier; Pastorale; Lied ohne Worte für Violine & Holzbläser; Baal Shem (Bloch)
    8.CD Divertimento aus Le Baiser de la fee; Danses concertantes für Kammerorchester; Konzert für Klavier & Bläser; Scherzo a la russe; Pater Noster (Version 1949); Ave Maria (Version 1949)
    9.CD Apollon musagete; Konzert D-Dur "Basle Concerto"
    10.CD Feu d'artifice op. 4; Ode; Russian Maiden's Song; Ebony Concerto für Klarinette & Orchester; 4 Norwegische Impressionen; Zirkuspolka
    11.CD Oedipus Rex
    12./13.CD The Rake's Progress
    14.CD Pulcinella
    15.CD Symphonie in C; Cantata
    16.CD L'Histoire du Soldat - Suite; Oktett für Bläser; Symphonie für Bläser (Version 1947)
    17.CD In Memoriam Dylan Thomas; 3 Shakespeare-Lieder; Septett; 4 Russische Lieder für Gesang Flöte, Harfe, Gitarre; 2 Gedichte von Constantin Balmont; 3 Japanische Lieder; 3 Kleine Lieder "Recollections of my Childhood”; 4 Russische Bauernlieder für Frauenchor
    18.CD La Baiser de la fee
    19.CD Persephone
    20.CD Agon; Canticum sacrum
    21.CD Threni
    22.CD Le Sacre du Printemps; Petruschka (Version 1947)
    23.CD Serenade für Klavier A-Dur; Klaviersonate; Klavierstücke op. 33a & b (Schönberg); Klaviersuite op. 25 (Schönberg)
    24.CD Sätze für Klavier & Orchester; Doppelkanon; Epitaphium; Oktett für Bläser; Histoire du Soldat-Suite
    25.CD Monumentum pro Gesualdo di Venosa (inkl. Madrigalen von Gesualdo); Illumina nos
    26.CD Le Rossignol
    27.CD Der Feuervogel (Originalversion 1910)
    28.CD Violinkonzert D-Dur; Symphonie in 3 Sätzen
    29.CD Konzert für 2 Klaviere; 8 Leichte Stücke; Sonate für 2 Klaviere
    30.CD The Flood; Messe
    31.CD Les Noces; Renard; Ragtime für 11 Instrumente
    32.CD Oedipus Rex
    33.CD Psalmensymphonie (Version 1948); Symphonie in C
    34.CD Orpheus; Apollon musagete
    35.CD Greeting Prelude; Concerto Es-Dur "Dumbarton Oaks"; 8 Miniaturen für Orchester; 4 Etüden für Orchester; Circus Polka; Suiten Nr. 1 & 2 für kleines Orchester
    36.CD Jeu de Cartes; Scenes de Ballet; Pas de Deux (Tschaikowsky)
    37.CD Zvezdoliki -The King of Stars; Hymne The dove descending breaks the air"; Choral-Variationen "Vom Himmel hoch da komm' ich her"; Babel; Sermon - A Narrative and a Prayer
    38./39.CD The Rake's Progress
    40.CD Le Baiser de le fee
    41.CD Ebony Concerto; Prelude, Fugue & Riffs für Klarinette & Jazz Ensemble (Bernstein); Konzert für Klarinette, Streicher, Harfe, Klavier (Copland); Derivations für Klarinette & Band (Gould)
    42.CD Pulcinella
    43.CD Persephone
    44.CD Symphonie Es-Dur op. 1
    45.CD Mavra; Les Noces
    46.CD Kantate auf alte englische Texte; Messe; In Memoriam Dylan Thomas; Fanfare for a New Theatre; The Owl and the Pussy-Cat; Septett; Elegie für J. F.K.
    47.CD Der Feuervogel-Suite (Version 1945); Petruschka-Ballettsuite
    48.CD Capriccio für Klavier & Orchester (Version 1949); Konzert für Klavier & Bläser (Version 1950)
    49.CD Pulcinella-Suite; Scherzo fantastique op. 3; Feu d'artifice op. 4; Scherzo a la russe
    50.CD Variationen "Aldous Huxley in memoriam"; Abraham & Isaac; ntroitus: "T. S. Elliot in memoriam"; Requiem Canticles
    51.CD Faun and Shepherdess op. 2; 2 Poems of Paul Verlaine op. 9; 2 Poems of Konstantin Balmont; 3 Japanese Lyrics; 3 kleine Lieder “Recollections of my Childhood”; Pribaoutki (Nonsense Songs); Tilim-Bom; Cat's Cradle Song; 4 Russische Lieder für Gesang, Flöte, Harfe, Gitarre; 3 Shakespeare-Lieder
    52.CD Danses concertantes; 4 Norwegische Impressionen; Ode für Orchester; Konzert in D "Basle Concerto"
    53.CD Praeludium für Jazz Band; Lied ohne Worte "Pastorale"; Tango (orchestrierte Vesion 1953; Concertino für 12 Instrumente; The Star-Spangled Banner; 4 Russische Bauernlieder (Version 1954); Ave Maria (Version 1949); Credo (Version 1964); Pater Noster (Version 1949); Pastorale für Sopran & Klavier (Version 1907); Strawinsky bei den Proben
    54.CD Symphonie für Bläser (Version 1947); Les Noces (Version 1917); Les Noces für Pianola, 2 Cimbaloms, Harmonium, Percussion); Chant du Rossignol
    55.CD L'Histoire du Soldat für Violine, Klarinette, Klavier; Septett für Klarinette, Fagott, Horn, Klavier, Streichtrio; Pastorale für Violine & Klavier; 3 Stücke für Klarinette solo; Suite italienne für Cello & Klavier
    56.CD L'Histoire du Soldat (Sprecher: Jeremy Irons)
    +DVD: Stravinsky in Hollywood – Ein Film von Marco Capalbo
  • Künstler: Vitya Vronsky, Gary Karr, Jennie Tourel, Allan Rogers, Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Igor Strawinsky, Robert Craft u. v.a.
  • Label: Sony, ADD/DDD
  • Erscheinungstermin: 9.10.2015
  • Tracklisting
  • Details
  • Mitwirkende

Disk 1 von 57 (CD)

The Rite of Spring
  1. 1 Part One - The Adoration of the Earth - Introduction
  2. 2 The Augurs of Spring - Dances of the Young Girls
  3. 3 Game of Abduction
  4. 4 Spring Round Dances
  5. 5 Games of the Rival Tribes
  6. 6 Procession of the Oldest-and-Wisest
  7. 7 Adoration of the Earth - The Oldest-and-Wisest
  8. 8 Dance of the Earth
  9. 9 Part Two - The Sacrifice - Introduction
  10. 10 Mystical Circles of the Young Girls
  11. 11 Glorification of the Chosen Victim
  12. 12 Summoning of the Ancestors
  13. 13 Ritual of the Ancestors
  14. 14 Sacrificial Dance - The Chosen Victim
  1. 15 A propos of Le Sacre - Commentary by Igor Stravinsky About the History of a Musical Landmark

Disk 2 von 57 (CD)

Petrushka Ballet Suite
  1. 1 Legerdemain Scene
  2. 2 Russian Dance
  3. 3 Petrushka's Room
  4. 4 Dance of the Wet-Nurses
  5. 5 Dance of the Peasant and the Bear
  6. 6 Dance of the Gypsy Girls
  7. 7 Dance of the Coachmen and the Grooms
  8. 8 The Masqueraders
Scenes de ballet
  1. 9 Introduction
  2. 10 Danses (Corps de ballet & Ballerine)
  3. 11 Pantomime
  4. 12 Pas de deux
  5. 13 Pantomime
  6. 14 Variations (Danseur & Ballerine)
  7. 15 Pantomime
  8. 16 Danses (Corps de ballet)
  9. 17 Apotheose
Divertimento from Le Baiser de la fee
  1. 18 I. Sinfonia
  2. 19 II. Danses suisses
  3. 20 Iii. Scherzo
  4. 21 IV. Pas de deux (Adagio - Variation - Coda)

Disk 3 von 57 (CD)

The Firebird
  1. 1 Introduction
  2. 2 Prelude and Dance of the Firebird
  3. 3 Pas de deux - Firebird and Ivan Tsarevich
  4. 4 Scherzo - Dance of the Princesses
  5. 5 Rondo (Khorovod)
  6. 6 Infernal Dance
  7. 7 Lullaby (The Firebird)
  8. 8 Final Hymn

Disk 4 von 57 (CD)

Symphony of Psalms
  1. 1 I. Exaudi orationem meam, Domine
  2. 2 II. Exspectans exspectavi Dominum
  3. 3 Iii. Alleluia - Laudate Dominum
Symphony in Three Movements
  1. 4 I. [q = 160]
  2. 5 II. Andante - Interlude - L'istesso tempo
  3. 6 Iii. Con Moto

Disk 5 von 57 (CD)

Concerto for Two Solo Pianos
  1. 1 I. Con moto
  2. 2 II. Notturno - Adagietto
  3. 3 Iii. Quattro Variazioni
  4. 4 IV. Preludio e Fuga
  1. 5 Scherzo a la Russe
  2. 6 The Snow Maiden: Dance of the Tumblers
  3. 7 Russian Village
  4. 8 Suite No. 1 for Two Pianos, Op. 15: Waltz
  5. 9 Sadko: Cradle Song
  6. 10 Circus Polka
  7. 11 Tango

Disk 6 von 57 (CD)

  1. 1 Premier tableau : Orpheus Weeps for Eurydice - Lento sostenuto
  2. 2 Air de danse
  3. 3 L'Ange de la Mort et sa danse
  4. 4 Interlude
  5. 5 Deuxieme tableau : Pas des Furies
  6. 6 Air de danse - Interlude - Air de danse
  7. 7 Pas d'action
  8. 8 Pas de deux
  9. 9 Interlude
  10. 10 Pas d'action
  11. 11 Troisieme tableau : Apotheose d'Orphee
Mass for Mixed Chorus and Double Wind Quintet
  1. 12 I. Kyrie
  2. 13 II. Gloria
  3. 14 Iii. Credo
  4. 15 IV. Sanctus
  5. 16 V. Agnus Dei

Disk 7 von 57 (CD)

Duo Concertant for Violin and Piano
  1. 1 I. Cantilene
  2. 2 II. Eclogue I
  3. 3 Iii. Eclogue Ii
  4. 4 IV. Gigue
  5. 5 V. Dithyrambe
Three Pictures of Chassidic Life for Violin and Piano
  1. 6 I. Vidui (Contrition)
  2. 7 II. Nigun (Improvisation)
  3. 8 Iii. Simchas Torah (Rejoicing)
  1. 9 Pastorale, Song without Words for Violin & Woodwind Quartet

Disk 8 von 57 (CD)

Divertimento from Le baiser de la fee
  1. 1 I. Sinfonia
  2. 2 II. Danses Suisses
  3. 3 Iii. Scherzo (Au Moulin)
  4. 4 IV. Pas de deux
Danses concertantes for Chamber Orchestra
  1. 5 I. Marche - Introduction
  2. 6 II. Pas d'action
  3. 7 Iii. Theme Varie
  4. 8 IV. Pas de deux
  5. 9 V. Marche - Conclusion
Concerto for Piano and Wind Instruments
  1. 10 I. Largo - Allegro - Maestoso
  2. 11 II. Largo
  3. 12 Iii. Allegro
  1. 13 Scherzo a la Russe
  2. 14 Pater Noster (Revised 1949 Version)
  3. 15 Ave Maria (Revised 1949 Version)

Disk 9 von 57 (CD)

Apollon musagete
  1. 1 Naissance d'Apollon
  2. 2 Variation d'Apollon
  3. 3 Pas d'action
  4. 4 Variation de Calliope
  5. 5 Variation de Polymnie
  6. 6 Variation de Terpsichore
  7. 7 Variation d'Apollon
  8. 8 Pas de deux
  9. 9 Coda
  10. 10 Apotheose
Concerto en Re (pour orchestre a cordes) 'Basle Concerto'
  1. 11 I. Vivace
  2. 12 II. Arioso - Andantino
  3. 13 Iii. Rondo - Allegro

Disk 10 von 57 (CD)

  1. 1 Fireworks, Op. 4
Ode, elegiacal chant in 3 parts - Instrumental
  1. 2 I. Eulogy
  2. 3 II. Eclogue
  3. 4 Iii. Epitaph
  1. 5 Russian Maiden's Song
Ebony Concerto - Instrumental
  1. 6 I. Allegro moderato
  2. 7 II. Andante
  3. 8 Iii. Moderato; Con Moto
Four Norwegian Moods - Instrumental
  1. 9 I. Intrada
  2. 10 II. Song
  3. 11 Iii. Wedding Dance
  4. 12 IV. Cortege
  1. 13 Circus Polka

Disk 11 von 57 (CD)

Oedipus Rex - Opera-Oratorio in two acts after Sophocles
  1. 1 Prologue: Spectateurs! Vous allez entendre une version latine d' Oedipe-Roi
  2. 2 Act I : Caedit nos pestis
  3. 3 Liberi vos liberabo
  4. 4 Respondit deus
  5. 5 Non reperias vetus scelus
  6. 6 Oedipe interroge la fontaine de verite
  7. 7 Dicere non possum
  8. 8 Rex peremptor regis est - Invidia fortunam odit
  9. 9 Gloria!
  10. 10 Act II : La dispute des princes attire Jocaste
  11. 11 Gloria!
  12. 12 Nonn' erubescite, reges
  13. 13 Ne probentur oracula
  14. 14 Cave oracula! - Trivium, trivium
  15. 15 Oracula mentiuntur
  16. 16 Le temoin du meurtre sort de l'ombre
  17. 17 Adest omniscius pastor
  18. 18 Oportebat tacere
  19. 19 Nonne monstrum rescituri
  20. 20 In monte reppertus est
  21. 21 Natus sum quo nefastum est
  22. 22 Et maintenant, vous allez entendre
  23. 23 Divum Iocastea caput mortuum!
  24. 24 Ekke! Regem Oedipoda

Disk 12 von 57 (CD)

The Rake's Progress
  1. 1 Prelude
  2. 2 The Woods are Green...
  3. 3 Here I Stand...
  4. 4 Shadow Appears Immediately at the Garden Gate
  5. 5 Farewell...
  6. 6 Mother Goose's Brothel, London
  7. 7 Come, Tom...
  8. 8 Love Too Frequently Betrayed...
  9. 9 Lanterloo, my Lady
  10. 10 No Word from Tom
  11. 11 I Go to Him...
  12. 12 Vary the Song, O London, Change!
  13. 13 Master, Are you Alone?
  14. 14 My Tale Shall be Told...
  15. 15 How Strange!... Anne's Arrival in London
  16. 16 Anne! Here!
  17. 17 Could it then have been Known...

Disk 13 von 57 (CD)

The Rake's Progress
  1. 1 As I was Saying...
  2. 2 You! O Nick, I've had the Strangest Dream
  3. 3 A Great Choral Cry of 'Ruin, Disaster, Shame'
  4. 4 Aha!
  5. 5 Sold! Annoyed! I've Caught You! Thieving!
  6. 6 Finale
  7. 7 Prelude
  8. 8 How Dark and Dreadful is This Place
  9. 9 Very Well, Then, my Dear...
  10. 10 I Burn! I Freeze!
  11. 11 Bedlam
  12. 12 There he Is. Have no Fear. He is not Dangerous.
  13. 13 Gently, Little Boat...
  14. 14 Where art Thou, Venus?
  15. 15 Good People, Just a Moment...

Disk 14 von 57 (CD)

Pulcinella - Ballet in One Act for Small Orchestra with 3 Solo Voices after Pergolesi
  1. 1 Overture. Allegro moderato
  2. 2 Serenata. Larghetto - 'Mentre l'erbetta, pasce l'agnella'
  3. 3 Scherzino. Allegro
  4. 4 Poco piu vivo - Allegro
  5. 5 Andantino
  6. 6 Allegro
  7. 7 Allegretto - 'Contento forse vivere'
  8. 8 Allegro assai
  9. 9 Allegro (alla breve) - 'Con queste paroline'
  10. 10 Andante - 'Sento dire no'nce pace' - 'Chi disse ca la femmena'
  11. 11 Allegro - 'Nce sta quacuna po' - 'Una te falan zemprece'
Pulcinella - Ballet with Song in One Act after Pergolesi (Complete)
  1. 12 Presto - 'Una te falan zemprece'
  2. 13 Larghetto
Pulcinella - Ballet in One Act for Small Orchestra with 3 Solo Voices after Pergolesi
  1. 14 Allegro - alle breve
  2. 15 Tarantella
  3. 16 Andantino - 'Se tu m'ami'
  4. 17 Allegro
  5. 18 Gavotta con due variazioni. Allegro moderato
  6. 19 Var. I. Allegretto
  7. 20 Var. II. Allegro piu tosto moderato
  8. 21 Vivo
  9. 22 Tempo di minuetto - 'Pupillette, fiammette d'amore'
  10. 23 Allegro assai

Disk 15 von 57 (CD)

Symphony in C [1940]
  1. 1 I. Moderato alla breve
  2. 2 II. Larghetto concertante
  3. 3 Iii. Allegretto
  4. 4 IV. Largo - Tempo giusto, alla breve
Cantata for Soprano, Tenor, Female Chorus and a Small Instrumental Ensemble
  1. 5 A Lyke-Wake Dirge - Versus I (Prelude) - 'This ae Nighte'
  2. 6 Ricercar I - 'The Maidens Came'
  3. 7 A Lyke-Wake Dirge - Versus II (First Interlude) - 'If Ever Thou Gav'st Hos'n and Shoon'
  4. 8 Ricercar II (Sacred History) - 'Tomorrow Shall Be'
  5. 9 A Lyke-Wake Dirge - Versus Iii (Second Interlude) - 'from Whinnymuir When Thou May'st Pass'
  6. 10 Westron Wind
  7. 11 A Lyke-Wake Dirge - Versus IV (Postlude) - 'If Ever Thou Gav'st Meat or Drink'

Disk 16 von 57 (CD)

L'Histoire du Soldat - Suite
  1. 1 The Soldier's March
  2. 2 Soldier at the Brook
  3. 3 Pastorale
  4. 4 The Royal March
  5. 5 The Little Concerto
  6. 6 Tango
  7. 7 Waltz
  8. 8 Ragtime
  9. 9 The Devil's Dance
  10. 10 Chorale
  11. 11 Triumphal March of the Devil
Octet for Wind Instruments
  1. 12 I. Sinfonia
  2. 13 II. Tema con variazioni
  3. 14 Variazione A
  4. 15 Variazione B
  5. 16 Variazione A
  6. 17 Variazione C
  7. 18 Variazione D
  8. 19 Variazione A
  9. 20 Variazione E
  10. 21 Finale (Tempo giusto)
  1. 22 Symphonies of Wind Instruments (Revised Version, 1947)

Disk 17 von 57 (CD)

In Memorium Dylan Thomas [1954]
  1. 1 Dirge-Canons - Prelude
  2. 2 Song
  3. 3 Dirge-Canons - Postlude
Three Songs from William Shakespeare [1953]
  1. 4 I. Musick to Heare
  2. 5 II. Full Fadom Five
  3. 6 Iii. When Dasies Foot
Septet [1953]
  1. 7 I. quarter note = 88
  2. 8 II. Passacaglia
  3. 9 Iii. Gigue
Four Russian Songs for Voice, Flute, Harp and Guitar [1918]
  1. 10 I. The Drake
  2. 11 II. A Russian Spiritual
  3. 12 Iii. Geese And Swans
  4. 13 IV. Tilim-bom
Two Poems of Constantin Bal'mont [1911]
  1. 14 I. The Flower
  2. 15 II. The Dove
Three Japanese Lyrics [1913]
  1. 16 I. Akahito
  2. 17 II. Mazatsumi
  3. 18 Iii. Tsaraiuki
Three Little Songs - Recollections of my Childhood [1913]
  1. 19 I. The Magpie
  2. 20 II. The Rook
  3. 21 Iii. The Jackdaw
Saucer - Four Russian Peasant Songs for Female Choir
  1. 22 I. On Saints' Days in Chigisakh
  2. 23 II. Ovsen
  3. 24 Iii. The Pike
  4. 25 IV. Master Portly

Disk 18 von 57 (CD)

The Fairy's Kiss
  1. 1 Scene I - Prologue
  2. 2 Scene II - A Village Fete
  3. 3 Scene Iii - By The Mill
  4. 4 Pas de deux : a) Entree
  5. 5 b) Adagio
  6. 6 c) Variation
  7. 7 d) Coda
  8. 8 Scene Iii - Scene (Andante Non Tanto)
  9. 9 Scene IV - Epilogue (Berceuse of the Eternal Dwellings)

Disk 19 von 57 (CD)

Persephone - Melodrame en Trois Tableaux
  1. 1 I. Persephone Ravie
  2. 2 II. Persephone aux enfers
  3. 3 Iii. Persephone Renaissante

Disk 20 von 57 (CD)

Agon: Ballet for twelve dancers - Instrumental
  1. 1 Pas-de-Quatre
  2. 2 Double Pas-de-Quatre
  3. 3 Triple Pas-de-Quatre
  4. 4 Prelude
  5. 5 Saraband-Step
  6. 6 Gailliarde
  7. 7 Coda
  8. 8 Interlude
  9. 9 Bransle Simple
  10. 10 Bransle Gay
  11. 11 Bransle Double
  12. 12 Interlude
  13. 13 Pas-de-Deux
  14. 14 Coda
  15. 15 Four Duos
  16. 16 Four Trios
Canticum Sacrum (Ad Honorem Sancti Marci Nominis)
  1. 17 Dedicatio
  2. 18 I. Euntes in mundum
  3. 19 II. Surge, aquilo
  4. 20 Iii. Ad Tres Virtutes Hortationes (Caritas; Spes; Fides)
  5. 21 IV. Brevis Motus Cantilenea
  6. 22 V. Illi autem profecti

Disk 21 von 57 (CD)

  1. 1 Introduction
  2. 2 I. De Elegia Prima
  3. 3 II. De Elegia Tertia
  4. 4 Iii. De Elegia Quinta

Disk 22 von 57 (CD)

Le sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring) - Instrumental
  1. 1 Part One: The Adoration of the Earth - Introduction
  2. 2 Auguries of Spring (Dances of the Young Girls)
  3. 3 Mock Abduction
  4. 4 Spring Khorovod (Round Dance)
  5. 5 Games of the Rival Clans
  6. 6 Procession of the Wise Elder
  7. 7 Adoration of the Earth (The Wise Elder)
  8. 8 Dance of the Earth
  9. 9 Part Two: The Sacrifice - Introduction
  10. 10 Mystical Circles of the Young Girls
  11. 11 Glorification of the Chosen One
  12. 12 The Summoning of the Ancients
  13. 13 Ritual of the Ancients
  14. 14 Sacrificial Dance (The Chosen Victim)
Petroushka - Original 1911 Version
  1. 15 First Scene - I. The Shrove-tide Fair - Original 1911 Version
  2. 16 II. The Crowds - Original 1911 Version
  3. 17 Iii. The Charlatan's Booth - Original 1911 Version
  4. 18 IV. The Russian Dance - Original 1911 Version
  5. 19 Second Scene - Petroushka's Room - Original 1911 Version
  6. 20 Third Scene - I. The Moor's Room - Original 1911 Version
  7. 21 II. Dance of the Ballerina - Original 1911 Version
  8. 22 Iii. Waltz - Original 1911 Version
  9. 23 Fourth Scene - I. Grand Carnival - Original 1911 Version
  10. 24 II. Dance of the Wet Nurses - Original 1911 Version
  11. 25 Iii. Dance Of The Peasant And Bear - Original 1911 Version
  12. 26 IV. Dance of the Gypsy Girls - Original 1911 Version
  13. 27 V. The Dance of the Coachmen - Original 1911 Version
  14. 28 VI. The Masqueraders - Original 1911 Version
  15. 29 Vii. Conclusion (Petroushka's Death) - Original 1911 Version

Disk 23 von 57 (CD)

Serenade for Piano in A Major
  1. 1 I. Hymne
  2. 2 II. Romanza
  3. 3 Iii. Rondoletto
  4. 4 IV. Cadenza Finala
Piano Sonata (1924)
  1. 5 I. Quarter Note = 112
  2. 6 II. Adagietto
  3. 7 Iii. Quarter Note = 112
  1. 8 Piano Piece, Op. 33a
  2. 9 Piano Piece, Op. 33b
Suite for Piano, Op. 25
  1. 10 I. Präludium - Rasch
  2. 11 II. Gavotte - Etwas langsam, nicht hastig
  3. 12 Iii. Musette - Rascher
  4. 13 IV. Intermezzo
  5. 14 V. Menuett - Moderato - Trio
  6. 15 VI. Gigue - Rasch

Disk 24 von 57 (CD)

Movements for Piano and Orchestra
  1. 1 I. Eighth Note = 110
  2. 2 II. Quarter Note = 52
  3. 3 Iii. Eighth Note = 72
  4. 4 IV. Eighth Note = 80
  5. 5 V. Eighth Note = 104
  1. 6 Double Canon 'Raoul Dufy in Memoriam' (for string quartet)
  2. 7 Epitaphium (fur das Grabmal des Prinzen Max Egon zu Furstenberg)
Octet for Wind Instruments
  1. 8 I. Sinfonia
  2. 9 II. Tema con variazioni
  3. 10 Variazione A
  4. 11 Variazione B
  5. 12 Variazione A
  6. 13 Variazione C
  7. 14 Variazione D
  8. 15 Variazione A
  9. 16 Variazione E
  10. 17 Finale (Tempo giusto)
Histoire du Soldat Suite - Instrumental
  1. 18 Marche du Soldat - Airs de marche
  2. 19 Premiere tableau: 'Airs by a Stream'
  3. 20 Deuxieme tableau: 'Pastorale'
  4. 21 Marche Royale
  5. 22 Petit Concert
  6. 23 Trois Danses: Tango, Valse, Ragtime
  7. 24 Danse du Diable
  8. 25 Grand Choral
  9. 26 Marche Triomphale du Diable

Disk 25 von 57 (CD)

  1. 1 Volig, mia Luce
  2. 2 O dolorosa gioia
  3. 3 Ardo per te
  4. 4 Gagliarda
  5. 5 Quando ridente
  6. 6 Dolcissima mia vita
  7. 7 Recessit pastor
  8. 8 Che fai meco
  9. 9 Questa crudele
  10. 10 Ardita Zanzaretta
  11. 11 Aestimatus sum
  12. 12 Canzon Francese del principe
Monumentum pro Gesualdo di Venosa as Cd Annum
  1. 13 I. Asciugate I Begli Occhi: Madrigale Xiv, Libro Quinto
  2. 14 Ii. Ma Tu, Cagion Di Quella: Madrigale Xviii, Libro Quinto
  3. 15 Iii. Belta Poi Che T'assenti: Madrigale Ii, Libro Sesto
  1. 16 Sacred Song for Seven Voices - Illumina Nos

Disk 26 von 57 (CD)

Le Rossignol / The Nightingale / Conte lyrique en trois actes / Lyric Tale in 3 acts after H.C. Andersen - Instrumental
  1. 1 Premier Acte / First Act - Introduction
  2. 2 Second Acte / Second Act - Entr'acte ('Courants d'Air') / ('Breezes')
  3. 3 Marche Chinoise / Chinese March
  4. 4 Chanson du Rossignol / Song of the Nightingale
  5. 5 Les Courtisans / The Courtiers
  6. 6 Trois Envoyes Japonais / Three Japanese Envoys
  7. 7 Jeu du Rossignol Mecanique / Performance of the Mechanical Nightingale
  8. 8 Conclusion: {Larghetto
  9. 9 Troisieme Acte / Third Act - Prelude
  10. 10 Une salle du palais de l'Empereur / The Emperor's Bed Chamber
  11. 11 Le Rossignol / The Return of the Nightingale
  12. 12 Cortege Solennel / Solemn Procession
  13. 13 L'Emprereur en Grande Tenue / The Emperor's Recovery

Disk 27 von 57 (CD)

L'Oiseau de Feu (The Firebird) - 1910 version
  1. 1 Introduction - 1910 version
  2. 2 Le Jardin enchante de Kastchei - 1910 version
  3. 3 Apparition de l'Oiseau de feu - 1910 version
  4. 4 Danse de l'Oiseau de feu - 1910 version
  5. 5 Capture de l'Oiseau de feu par Ivan Tsarevitch - 1910 version
  6. 6 Supplication de l'Oiseau de feu - 1910 version
  7. 7 Apparition des treize princesses enchantees - 1910 version
  8. 8 Jeu des princesses avec les pommes d'or (Scherzo) - 1910 version
  9. 9 Brusque apparition d'Ivan Tsarevitch - 1910 version
  10. 10 Corovod (Ronde) des princesses - 1910 version
  11. 11 Lever du jour (Ivan Tsarevitch penetre dans le Palais de Kastchei) - 1910 version
  12. 12 Carillon feerique, apparition des monstres-Gardiens de Kastchei et capture d'Ivan Tsarevitch - 1910 version
  13. 13 Arrivee de Kastchei L'Immortel - 1910 version
  14. 14 Dialogue de Kastchei avec Ivan Tsarevitch - 1910 version
  15. 15 Intercession des princesses - 1910 version
  16. 16 Apparition de l'Oiseau de feu - 1910 version
  17. 17 Danse de la suite de Kastchei enchantee par l'Oiseau de feu - 1910 version
  18. 18 Danse infernale de tous les sujets de Kastchei - 1910 version
  19. 19 Berceuse (l'Oiseau de feu) - 1910 version
  20. 20 Reveil de Kastchei - 1910 version
  21. 21 Mort de Kastchei - Profonds tenebres - 1910 version
  22. 22 Disparition du palais et des sortileges de Kastchei, animation des chevaliers petrifies, allegresse generale - 1910 ver

Disk 28 von 57 (CD)

Concerto in D Major for Violin and Orchestra
  1. 1 I. Toccata
  2. 2 II. Aria I
  3. 3 Iii. Aria Ii
  4. 4 IV. Cappricio
Symphony in Three Movements
  1. 5 I. Overture - Allegro
  2. 6 II. Andante - Interlude: L'istesso tempo
  3. 7 Iii. Con Moto

Disk 29 von 57 (CD)

Concerto per due pianoforti soli (Concerto for two solo pianos)
  1. 1 I. Con moto
  2. 2 II. Notturno: Adagietto (Nocturne)
  3. 3 Iii. Quattro Variazioni (Four Variations)
  4. 4 IV. Preludio e fuga (Prelude and Fugue)
Trois pieces faciles (Three Easy Pieces)
  1. 5 1. March
  2. 6 2. Waltz
  3. 7 3. Polka
Cinq pieces faciles (Five Easy Pieces)
  1. 8 1. Andante
  2. 9 2. Española
  3. 10 3. Balalaika
  4. 11 4. Napolitana
  5. 12 5. Galop
Sonata for Two Pianos
  1. 13 I. Moderato
  2. 14 II. Theme with Variations
  3. 15 Iii. Allegretto

Disk 30 von 57 (CD)

The Flood: A Musical Play (adapted from the York & Chester cycles of miracle plays & the Book of Genesis)
  1. 1 Prelude
  2. 2 Melodrama
  3. 3 The Building of the Ark (Choreography)
  4. 4 The Catalogue of the Animals
  5. 5 The Comedy: (Noah and his wife)
  6. 6 The Flood: (Choreography)
  7. 7 The Covenant of the Rainbow
Mass for mixed chorus and double wind quintet
  1. 8 Kyrie
  2. 9 Gloria
  3. 10 Credo
  4. 11 Sanctus
  5. 12 Agnus Dei

Disk 31 von 57 (CD)

Les Noces
  1. 1 Premier tableau - 'La mariee'
  2. 2 Deuxieme tableau - 'Chez le marie'
  3. 3 Troisieme tableau - 'Le depart de la mariee'
  4. 4 Quatrieme tableau - 'Le Repas de Noces'
  1. 5 Renard: Histoire burlesque chantee et jouee
  2. 6 Ragtime for Eleven Instruments

Disk 32 von 57 (CD)

Oedipus Rex - Opera-Oratorio in Two Acts After Sophocles
  1. 1 Prologue - Spectateurs! Vous allez entendre une version latine d' Oedipe-Roi
  2. 2 Act I : Kaedit nos pestis
  3. 3 Liberi, vos liberabo
  4. 4 Respondit deus
  5. 5 Non reperias vetus scelus
  6. 6 Oedipus questions Teiresias the seer
  7. 7 Dikere non possum
  8. 8 Rex peremptor regis est - Invidia fortunam odit
  9. 9 Gloria!
  10. 10 Act II : La dispute des princes attire Jocaste
  11. 11 Gloria!
  12. 12 Nonn' erubeskite, reges
  13. 13 Ne probentur oracula
  14. 14 Cave oracula! - Trivium, trivium...
  15. 15 Oracula mentiuntur
  16. 16 Le temoin du meurtre sort de l'ombre
  17. 17 Adest omniskius pastor
  18. 18 Oportebat takere
  19. 19 Nonne monstrum reskituri
  20. 20 In monte reppertus est
  21. 21 Natus sum quo nefastum est
  22. 22 Et maintenant, vous allez entendre
  23. 23 Divum Jocastae caput mortuum!
  24. 24 Ekke! Regem Oedipoda

Disk 33 von 57 (CD)

Symphony of Psalms - Revised 1948 version
  1. 1 Part I - Revised 1948 version
  2. 2 Part II - Revised 1948 version
  3. 3 Part Iii - Revised 1948 Version
Symphony in C
  1. 4 I. Moderato alla breve
  2. 5 II. Larghetto concertante
  3. 6 Iii. Allegretto
  4. 7 IV. Largo - Tempo giusto, alla breve

Disk 34 von 57 (CD)

Orpheus: Ballet en trois tableux
  1. 1 Premier Tableau: Orphee
  2. 2 Air de danse
  3. 3 L'ange de la mort et sa danse
  4. 4 Interlude
  5. 5 Duexieme Tableau: Pas des furies
  6. 6 Air de danse; Interlude; Air de danse (conclusion)
  7. 7 Pas d'action
  8. 8 Pas-de-deux
  9. 9 Interlude
  10. 10 Pas d'action
  11. 11 Troisieme Tableau: Apotheose d'Orphee
Apollon Musagete (Apollo): Ballet in Two Scenes
  1. 12 Naissance d'Apollon
  2. 13 Variation d'Apollon
  3. 14 Pas d'action
  4. 15 Variation de Calliope
  5. 16 Variation de Polymnie
  6. 17 Variation de Terpsichore
  7. 18 Variation d'Apollon
  8. 19 Pas de deux
  9. 20 Coda
  10. 21 Apotheose

Disk 35 von 57 (CD)

  1. 1 Greeting Prelude
Concerto in E-Flat for Chamber Orchestra 'Dumbarton Oaks'
  1. 2 I. Tempo giusto
  2. 3 II. Allegretto
  3. 4 Iii. Con Moto
Eight Instrumental Miniatures for Fifteen Players
  1. 5 I. Andantino
  2. 6 II. Vivace
  3. 7 Iii. Lento
  4. 8 IV. Allegretto
  5. 9 V. Moderato alla breve
  6. 10 VI. Tempo di Marcia
  7. 11 Vii. Larghetto
  8. 12 Viii. Tempo Di Tango
Quatre Etudes pour Orchestre
  1. 13 I. Danse
  2. 14 II. Excentrique
  3. 15 Iii. Cantique
  4. 16 IV. Madrid
  1. 17 Circus Polka
Suite No. 1 for Small Orchestra
  1. 18 I. Andante
  2. 19 II. Napolitana
  3. 20 Iii. Espanola
  4. 21 IV. Balalaika
Suite No. 2 for Small Orchestra (from 3 Easy Pieces for piano duet, 1915 and No. 4 from 5 Easy Pieces)
  1. 22 I. Marche
  2. 23 II. Valse
  3. 24 Iii. Polka
  4. 25 IV. Galop

Disk 36 von 57 (CD)

Jeu de Cartes: Ballet en trois donnes
  1. 1 Premiere donne
  2. 2 Deuxieme donne
  3. 3 Troisieme donne
Bluebird - Pas de Deux
  1. 4 Adagio
  2. 5 Variation I
  3. 6 Variation II
  4. 7 Coda
Scenes de Ballet
  1. 8 Introduction
  2. 9 Danses
  3. 10 Pantomime
  4. 11 Pas de deux
  5. 12 Pantomime
  6. 13 Variations: Dancer, Ballerina
  7. 14 Pantomime
  8. 15 Danses
  9. 16 Apotheose

Disk 37 von 57 (CD)

  1. 1 Zvezdoliki: Le Roi des etoiles / The King of Stars
  2. 2 Anthem: 'The dove descending breaks the air'
Choral-Variations uber das Weihnachts-lied / on the German Christmas carol 'Vom Himmel hoch da komm' ich her' - Voice
  1. 3 Chorale
  2. 4 Variation I (In canone all'Ottava)
  3. 5 Variation II (Alio modo canone alla Quinta)
  4. 6 Variation Iii (In Canone Alla Settima)
  5. 7 Variation IV (In canone all' Ottava per augmentationem)
  6. 8 Variation V (L'altra sorte del canone al rovescio)
  1. 9 Babel
A Sermon, A Narrative, and a Prayer - Voice
  1. 10 I. A Sermon (from St. Paul) - Voice
  2. 11 II. A Narrative; The Stoning of St. Stephen (from the 'Acts') - Voice
  3. 12 Iii. A Prayer (From Thomas Dekkar) - Voice

Disk 38 von 57 (CD)

The Rake's Progress - Opera in Three Acts
  1. 1 Prelude - Opera in Three Acts
  2. 2 'The woods are green...' - Opera in Three Acts
  3. 3 'Here I stand...' - Opera in Three Acts
  4. 4 Shadow appears immediately at the garden gate - Opera in Three Acts
  5. 5 'Farewell...' - Opera in Three Acts
  6. 6 Act I, Scene 2: Mother Goose's Brothel, London - Opera in Three Acts
  7. 7 'Come, Tom...' - Opera in Three Acts
  8. 8 'Love too frequently betrayed...' (Cavatina) - Opera in Three Acts
  9. 9 'Lanterloo, my lady.' - Opera in Three Acts
  10. 10 'No word from Tom.' - Opera in Three Acts
  11. 11 'I go to him...' (Cabaletta) - Opera in Three Acts
  12. 12 'Vary the song, O London, change!' - Opera in Three Acts
  13. 13 'Master, are you alone?' - Opera in Three Acts
  14. 14 'My tale shall be told...' - Opera in Three Acts
  15. 15 'How strange!...' Anne's arrival in London. - Opera in Three Acts
  16. 16 'Anne! Here!' (Duet) - Opera in Three Acts
  17. 17 'Could it then have been known...' (Trio) - Opera in Three Acts

Disk 39 von 57 (CD)

The Rake's Progress - Opera in Three Acts
  1. 1 'As I was saying, ...' - Opera in Three Acts
  2. 2 'You! O Nick, I've had the strangest dream' - Opera in Three Acts
  3. 3 A great choral cry of 'Ruin, Disaster, Shame' - Opera in Three Acts
  4. 4 'Aha!' - Opera in Three Acts
  5. 5 'Sold! Annoyed! I've caught you! Thieving!' - Opera in Three Acts
  6. 6 Finale - Opera in Three Acts
  7. 7 Prelude - Opera in Three Acts
  8. 8 'How dark and dreadful is this place.' - Opera in Three Acts
  9. 9 'Very well, then, my dear...' - Opera in Three Acts
  10. 10 'I burn! I freeze!' - Opera in Three Acts
  11. 11 Act Iii, Scene 3: Bedlam - Opera In Three Acts
  12. 12 'There he is. Have no fear. He is not dangerous.' - Opera in Three Acts
  13. 13 'Gently, little boat...' (Lullaby) - Opera in Three Acts
  14. 14 'Where art thou, Venus?' - Opera in Three Acts
  15. 15 'Good people, just a moment:...' - Opera in Three Acts

Disk 40 von 57 (CD)

Le Baiser de le Fee / The Fairy's Kiss
  1. 1 Scene 1: Prologue
  2. 2 Scene II: Une fete au village
  3. 3 Scene: Au Moulin
  4. 4 Pas de deux
  5. 5 Adagio
  6. 6 Variation
  7. 7 Coda
  8. 8 Scene
  9. 9 Scene IV: Epilogue - Berceuse des demeures eternelles

Disk 41 von 57 (CD)

Prelude, Fugue and Riffs for Solo Clarinet and Jazz Ensemble
  1. 1 Prelude for the Brass
  2. 2 Fugue for the Saxes
  3. 3 Riffs for Everyone
  1. 4 Concerto For Clarinet, Strings, Harp And Piano
Ebony Concerto
  1. 5 I. Allegro moderato
  2. 6 II. Andante
  3. 7 Iii. Moderato - Con Moto
Derivations for Clarinet and Band - Instrumental
  1. 8 I. Warm-up
  2. 9 II. Contrapuntal Blues
  3. 10 Iii. Rag
  4. 11 IV. Ride-Out

Disk 42 von 57 (CD)

Pulcinella - Ballet in One Act for Small Orchestra with 3 Solo Voices after Pergolesi
  1. 1 Overture. Allegro moderato
  2. 2 Serenata. Larghetto - 'Mentre l'erbetta, pasce l'agnella'
  3. 3 Scherzino. Allegro
  4. 4 Poco piu vivo - Allegro
  5. 5 Andantino
  6. 6 Allegro
  7. 7 Allegretto - 'Contento forse vivere'
  8. 8 Allegro assai
  9. 9 Allegro (alla breve) - 'Con queste paroline'
  10. 10 Andante - 'Sento dire no'nce pace' - 'Chi disse ca la femmena'
  11. 11 Allegro - 'Nce sta quacuna po' - 'Una te falan zemprece'
  12. 12 Presto - 'Una te falan zemprece'
  13. 13 Larghetto
  14. 14 Allegro - alle breve
  15. 15 Tarantella
  16. 16 Andantino - 'Se tu m'ami'
  17. 17 Allegro
  18. 18 Gavotta con due variazioni. Allegro moderato
  19. 19 Var. I. Allegretto
  20. 20 Var. II. Allegro piu tosto moderato
  21. 21 Vivo
  22. 22 Tempo di minuetto - 'Pupillette, fiammette d'amore'
  23. 23 Allegro assai

Disk 43 von 57 (CD)

Persephone: Melodrame en Trois Tableaux
  1. 1 I. Persephone Ravie
  2. 2 II. Persephone aux enfers
  3. 3 Iii. Persephone Renaissante

Disk 44 von 57 (CD)

Symphony in E-Flat Major, Op. 1
  1. 1 I. Allegro moderato
  2. 2 II. Scherzo - Allegretto
  3. 3 Iii. Largo
  4. 4 IV. Finale - Allegro molto

Disk 45 von 57 (CD)

  1. 1 Overture
  2. 2 Drug moy milyy
  3. 3 Kolokol'chiki zvenyat
  4. 4 U pesen vsekh slova odni
  5. 5 Moya strast' sil'neye stanovitsya
  6. 6 Izbavi Bog prislugu
  7. 7 Net, ne zabyt' vo veki mne pokoynitsu
  8. 8 Zhelayu zdravstvovat'!
  9. 9 Gde tak dolgo ty byla?
  10. 10 Parasha! - Ya, Vasiliy milyy!
  11. 11 Ya pamyat'yu ne izmenyu
  12. 12 Parasha! - Slyshish'?
  13. 13 Ya zhdu, ya zhdu pokorno
  14. 14 Pozhaluy vremya nastupilo pobrit'sya
Les Noces (The Wedding)
  1. 15 Premier tableau - 'La mariee'
  2. 16 Deuxieme tableau - 'Chez le marie'
  3. 17 Troisieme tableau - 'Le depart de la mariee'
  4. 18 Quatrieme tableau - 'Le Repas de Noces'

Disk 46 von 57 (CD)

Cantata on Old English Texts
  1. 1 A Lyke-Wake Dirge; Versus I; Prelude
  2. 2 Ricercare I (Soprano): The maidens came...
  3. 3 A Lyke-Wake Dirge; Versus II; 1st Interlude
  4. 4 Ricercare II (Tenor): To-morrow shall be...(Sacred History)
  5. 5 A Lyke-Wake Dirge; Versus Iii; 2nd Interlude
  6. 6 Westron Wind (Soprano and Tenor)
  7. 7 A Lyke-Wake Dirge; Versus IV; Postlude
Mass for mixed chorus and double wind quintet
  1. 8 I. Kyrie
  2. 9 II. Gloria
  3. 10 Iii. Credo
  4. 11 IV. Sanctus
  5. 12 V. Agnus Dei
In Memorium Dylan Thomas - Instrumental
  1. 13 Dirge-Canons: (Prelude)
  2. 14 Song
  3. 15 Dirge-Canons: (Postlude)
  1. 16 Fanfare for Two Trumpets
  2. 17 The Owl and the Pussy-cat
Septet - Instrumental
  1. 18 I. quarter note = 88
  2. 19 II. Passacaglia
  3. 20 Iii. Gigue
  1. 21 Elegy for J.F.K.

Disk 47 von 57 (CD)

L'Oiseau de feu (The Firebird Suite) - Revised 1945 Version
  1. 1 Introduction - Revised 1945 Version
  2. 2 Prelude and Dance of the Firebird - Revised 1945 Version
  3. 3 Variations (Firebird) - Revised 1945 Version
  4. 4 Pantomime I - Revised 1945 Version
  5. 5 Pas de deux: Firebird and Ivan Tsarevitch - Revised 1945 Version
  6. 6 Pantomime II - Revised 1945 Version
  7. 7 Scherzo: Dance of the Princesses - Revised 1945 Version
  8. 8 Pantomime Iii - Revised 1945 Version
  9. 9 Rondo (Corovod) - Revised 1945 Version
  10. 10 Infernal Dance - Revised 1945 Version
  11. 11 Lullabye (Firebird) - Revised 1945 Version
  12. 12 Final Hymn - Revised 1945 Version
Petroushka Ballet Suite - Instrumental
  1. 13 The Shrove-tide Fair
  2. 14 The Crowds
  3. 15 The Charlatan's Booth
  4. 16 The Russian Dance
  5. 17 Petrouchka's Room
  6. 18 Grand Carnival
  7. 19 Dance of the Wet Nurses
  8. 20 Dance of the Peasant and Bear
  9. 21 Dance of the Gypsy Girls
  10. 22 Dance of the Coachmen
  11. 23 The Masqueraders

Disk 48 von 57 (CD)

Capriccio for Piano and Orchestra - Revised 1949 Version
  1. 1 I. Presto - Revised 1949 Version
  2. 2 II. Andante rapsodico - Revised 1949 Version
  3. 3 Iii. Allegro Capriccioso Ma Tempo Guisto - Revised 1949 Version
Concerto for Piano and Wind Instruments (Revised version, 1950)
  1. 4 I. Largo - Allegro - Maestoso
  2. 5 II. Largo
  3. 6 Iii. Allegro

Disk 49 von 57 (CD)

Pulcinella Suite
  1. 1 I. Sinfonia: Ouverture
  2. 2 II. Serenata
  3. 3 Iiia. Scherzino
  4. 4 Iiib. Allegro
  5. 5 Iiic. Andantino
  6. 6 IV. Tarantella
  7. 7 V. Toccata
  8. 8 VI. Gavotta con due variazioni
  9. 9 Vii. Vivo (Duetto)
  10. 10 Viiia. Minuetto
  11. 11 Viiib. Finale
  1. 12 Scherzo Fantastique, Op. 3
  2. 13 Fireworks / Feuerwerk / Feu D'artifice, Op. 4
  3. 14 Scherzo a la Russe

Disk 50 von 57 (CD)

  1. 1 Variations: 'Aldous Huxley in memoriam'
  2. 2 Abraham and Isaac (A Sacred Ballad for Baritone and Chamber Orchestra)
  3. 3 Introitus (T. S. Elliot in memoriam)
Requiem Canticles (To the memory of Helen Buchanan Seeger)
  1. 4 I. Prelude
  2. 5 II. Exaudi
  3. 6 Iii. Dies Irae
  4. 7 IV. Tuba Mirum
  5. 8 V. Interlude
  6. 9 VI. Rex tremendae
  7. 10 Vii. Lacrimosa
  8. 11 Viii. Libera Me
  9. 12 IX. Postlude

Disk 51 von 57 (CD)

Faun et la Bergere, Op. 2 / Faun and Shepherdess, Op. 2 - Instrumental
  1. 1 I. La Bergere / The Shepherdess
  2. 2 II. Le Faune / The Faun
  3. 3 Iii. Le Torrent / The Torrent
Deux Poemes de Paul Verlaine, Op. 9 / Two Poems of Paul Verlaine, Op. 9 - Instrumental
  1. 4 La bonne chanson / A Moonlight Pallid
  2. 5 Sagesse / Sleep
Two Poems of Konstantin Bal'mont - Instrumental
  1. 6 I. Myosotis, d'amour fleurette / The Flower
  2. 7 II. Le Pigeon / The Dove
Trois poesies de la Lyrique Japonaise / Three Japanese Lyrics - Instrumental
  1. 8 I. Akahito (a Maurice Delage) / (to Maurice Delage)
  2. 9 II. Mazatsumi (a Florent Schmitt) / (to Florent Schmitt)
  3. 10 Iii. Tsaraiuki (A Maurice Ravel) / (To Maurice Ravel)
Trois Petites Chansons (souvenir de mon enfance) / Three Little Songs (Recollections of my Childhood) - Instrumental
  1. 11 I. La Petite Pie / The Magpie
  2. 12 II. Le Corbeau / The Rook
  3. 13 Iii. Tchitcher-Iatcher / The Jackdaw
Pribaoutki (Chansons Plaisantes) / (Nonsense Songs) - Instrumental
  1. 14 I. L'Oncle Armand / Uncle Armand / Kornillo
  2. 15 II. Le Four / Marianne / Natashka/
  3. 16 Iii. Le Colonel / Der Oberst / The Colonel / Polkovnik
  4. 17 IV. Le Vieux et le Lievre / Der Greis und der Hase / The Old Man and the Hare / Starets' i zayats
  1. 18 Tilim-Bom (Histoire pour Enfants)
Berceuses du chat / Cat's Cradle Song - Instrumental
  1. 19 I. Sur le Poele / The Tom-cat / Spi'kot
  2. 20 II. Interieur / The tom-cat on the stove / Kot'na pechi
  3. 21 Iii. Dodo / Bye-Bye / Bay-Bay
  4. 22 IV. Ce qu'il a le Chat / O tom-cat, tom-cat / U kota kota
Four Russian Songs for Voice, Flute, Harp and Guitar - Words are Russian Traditional
  1. 23 I. The Drake
  2. 24 II. A Russian Spiritual
  3. 25 Iii. Geese And Swans
  4. 26 IV. Tilim-bom
Three Songs from William Shakespeare - Instrumental
  1. 27 I. Musick to heare
  2. 28 II. Full fadom five
  3. 29 Iii. When Dasies Pied

Disk 52 von 57 (CD)

Danses Concertantes for Chamber Orchestra
  1. 1 I. Marche - Introduction
  2. 2 II. Pas d'action - Con moto
  3. 3 Iii. Theme Varie
  4. 4 IV. Pas de deux
  5. 5 V. Marche - Conclusion
Four Norwegian Moods for Orchestra
  1. 6 I. Intrada
  2. 7 II. Song
  3. 8 Iii. Wedding Dance
  4. 9 IV. Cortege
Ode (elegiacal chant in three parts) for Orchestra
  1. 10 I. Eulogy
  2. 11 II. Ecologue
  3. 12 Iii. Epitaph
Concerto en Re (pour orchestre a cordes) 'Basle Concerto'
  1. 13 I. Vivace
  2. 14 II. Arioso - Andantino
  3. 15 Iii. Rondo - Allegro

Disk 53 von 57 (CD)

  1. 1 Preludium for Jazz Band
  2. 2 Pastorale: Chant sans paroles
  3. 3 Tango - New Orchestration, 1953
  4. 4 Concertino for Twelve Instruments
  5. 5 The Star Spangled Banner
Four Russian Peasant Songs: For Equal Voices with Four Horns - Revised 1954 version
  1. 6 I. On Saints' Days in Chigisakh - Revised 1954 version
  2. 7 II. Ovsen - Revised 1954 version
  3. 8 Iii. The Pike - Revised 1954 Version
  4. 9 IV. Master Portly - Revised 1954 version
  1. 10 Ave Maria - Revised 1949 version
  2. 11 Credo - Revised 1964 version
  3. 12 Pater Noster - Revised 1949 Version
  4. 13 Pastorale (for soprano voice and piano, 1907)
Portrait of Stravinsky: Stravinsky in Rehearsal
  1. 14 Apollo
  2. 15 Sleeping Beauty
  3. 16 Trois Souvenirs de mon enfance (with Cathy Berberian)
  4. 17 Pulcinella
  5. 18 Piano Concerto (with Philippe Entremont)
  6. 19 Symphony in C
  7. 20 Stravinsky in His Own Words (narrated by John McClure)
Symphony in C [1940]
  1. 21 Rehearsal fragment (near end of the first movement of Symphony in C)*

Disk 54 von 57 (CD)

  1. 1 Symphonies of Wind Instruments (Revised version, 1947)
Les Noces (The Wedding) (1917)
  1. 2 Premier tableau - 'La mariee'
  2. 3 Deuxieme tableau - 'Chez le mariee'
  3. 4 Troisieme tableau - 'Le depart de la mariee'
  4. 5 Quatrieme tableau - 'Le Repas de Noces'
Les Noces (1919) for pianola, 2 cimbaloms, harmonium and precussion
  1. 6 Premier tableau - 'La mariee'
  2. 7 Deuxieme tableau - 'Chez le marie'
Chant du Rossignol
  1. 8 Introduction
  2. 9 Marche chinoise
  3. 10 Chant du rossignol
  4. 11 Jeu du rossignol mecanique

Disk 55 von 57 (CD)

L'Histoire du Soldat for Violin, Clarinet and Piano
  1. 1 Marche du Soldat
  2. 2 Violin du Soldat
  3. 3 Petit Concert
  4. 4 Tango-valse-ragtime
  5. 5 Danse du Diable
Septet for Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, Piano, Violin, Viola & Cello
  1. 6 Quartet Note = 88
  2. 7 Passacaglia Circa
  3. 8 Gigue
  1. 9 Pastorale for Violin and Piano
Three Pieces for Clarinet
  1. 10 I. Sempre piano e molto tranquiro
  2. 11 II. = 168
  3. 12 Iii. = 160
Suite Italienne for Cello and Piano
  1. 13 Introduction
  2. 14 Serenata
  3. 15 Aria
  4. 16 Tarantella
  5. 17 Minuetto and Finale

Disk 56 von 57 (CD)

The Soldier's Tale (Histoire du Soldat)
  1. 1 Part 1: Introduction. The Soldier's March
  2. 2 Part 1: Music for Scene One (Airs by a Stream)
  3. 3 Part 1: The Soldier's March (Reprise)
  4. 4 Part 1: Music for Scene Two (Pastorale)
  5. 5 Part 1: Airs by a Stream (Reprise)
  6. 6 Part 1: Music for Scene Three - Airs by a Stream (Reprise)
  7. 7 Part 2: The Soldier's March (Reprise)
  8. 8 Part 2: The Royal March
  9. 9 Part 2: The Little Concert
  10. 10 Part 2: Three Dances - 1. Tango
  11. 11 2. Valse
  12. 12 Part 2: Three Dances - 3. Ragtime
  13. 13 Part 2: The Devil's Dance
  14. 14 Little Chorale (Petit Choral)
  15. 15 Part 2: The Devil's Song
  16. 16 Part 2: Great Choral
  17. 17 Part 2: Triumphal March of the Devil

Disk 57 von 57 (DVD)

  1. 1 Cantata
  2. 2 Rite of Spring / Fantasia
  3. 3 Symphony in Three Movements
  4. 4 Symphony in Three Movements
  5. 5 Ode
  6. 6 Four Norwegian Moods
  7. 7 Neue Klassizismus
  8. 8 Babel
  9. 9 Four Norwegian Moods
  10. 10 Circus Polka
  11. 11 Orpheus
  12. 12 Orpheus
  13. 13 Septet, Op. 29
  14. 14 Cantata
  15. 15 Septet
  16. 16 Quartet, Op. 22
  17. 17 Agon
  18. 18 Agon
  19. 19 Threni
  20. 20 The Flood
  21. 21 Variations
  22. 22 Requiem Canticles
  23. 23 Requiem Canticles
  24. 24 Grosse Fuge
  25. 25 Requiem Canticles

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