Georg Friedrich Händel: Georg Friedrich Händel - Portrait

Georg Friedrich Händel - Portrait
8 CDs
CD (Compact Disc)

Herkömmliche CD, die mit allen CD-Playern und Computerlaufwerken, aber auch mit den meisten SACD- oder Multiplayern abspielbar ist.

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  • Giulio Cesare; Der Messias; Wassermusik; Dixit Dominus; Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne; Concerti Grossi op. 3 Nr. 1-6; Orgelkonzert "The Cuckoo and the Nightingale"; Arien aus Xerxes, Rodelinda & Alcina)
  • Künstler: Jennifer Larmore, Olivier Lallouette, Bernarda Fink, Marianne Rorholm, Barbara Schlick, Derek Lee Ragin, Concerto Köln, Rene Jacobs (Giulio Cesare / 1991);
    Kerstin Avemo, Patricia Bardon, Lawrence Zazzo, Kobie van Rensburg, The Choir of Clare College, Freiburger Barockorchester, Rene Jacobs (Der Messias / 2006);
    Helene Guilmette, Sophie Klußmann, Andreas Scholl, Malcolm E. Bennett, Vocalconsort Berlin, Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, Marcus Creed (Dixit Dominus & Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne);
    Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, Nicholas McGegan (Wassermusik);
    Academy of Ancient Music, Richard Egarr (Concerti grossi);
    Andreas Scholl, Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin (Arien)
  • Label: harmonia mundi, DDD, 1988-2009
  • Erscheinungstermin: 29.11.2013
  • Tracklisting
  • Details
  • Mitwirkende

Disk 1 von 8 (CD)

Dixit Dominus Hwv 232 (Psalm 109)
  1. 1 Chor: Dixit Dominus
  2. 2 Arie: Virgam virtutis tuae
  3. 3 Arie: Tecum principium in die virtutis
  4. 4 Chor: Juravit Dominus
  5. 5 Chor: Tu es sacerdos in aeternum
  6. 6 Solisten mit Chor: Dominus a dextris tuis
  7. 7 Solisten mit Chor: De torrente in via bibet
  8. 8 Chor: Gloria Patria, et Filio
Ode Zum Geburtstag Von Queen Anne Hwv 74 (Auszug)
  1. 9 Eternal source of light divine
  2. 10 The day that gave great Anna birth
  3. 11 Let all the winged race with joy
  4. 12 Let flocks and herds their fear forget
  5. 13 Let rolling streams their gladness show
  6. 14 Kind health descends on downy wings
  7. 15 The day that gave great Anna birth
  8. 16 Let envy then conceal her head
  9. 17 United nations shall combine
Orlando Hwv 31 (Oper In 3 Akten) (Auszug)
  1. 18 Sinfonia (3. Akt)
Serse Hwv 40 (Xerxes, Oper In 3 Akten) (Auszug)
  1. 19 Frondi tenere
  2. 20 Ombra mai fù (1. Akt)
Rodelinda, Regina De Longobardi Hwv 19 (Oper In 3 Akten) (Auszug)
  1. 21 Pompe vane di morte
  2. 22 Dove sei? (1. Akt)
Almira, Königin Von Kastilien Hwv 1 (Oper In 3 Akten) (Auszug)
  1. 23 Sinfonia (1. Akt)
Rodelinda, Regina De Longobardi Hwv 19 (Oper In 3 Akten) (Auszug)
  1. 24 Sì, l'infida consorte
  2. 25 Confusa si miri (1. Akt)
Alcina Hwv 34 (Oper In 3 Akten) (Auszug)
  1. 26 Verdi prati (2. Akt)

Disk 2 von 8 (CD)

Concerto Grosso B-Dur Op. 3 Nr. 1 Hwv 312
  1. 1 1. (ohne Satzbezeichnung)
  2. 2 2. (ohne Satzbezeichnung)
  3. 3 3. Allegro
Concerto Grosso B-Dur Op. 3 Nr. 2 Hwv 313
  1. 4 1. Vivace
  2. 5 2. Largo
  3. 6 3. Allegro
  4. 7 4. (ohne Satzbezeichnung)
  5. 8 5. (ohne Satzbezeichnung)
Concerto Grosso G-Dur Op. 3 Nr. 3 Hwv 314
  1. 9 1. Largo e staccato - Allegro
  2. 10 2. Adagio
  3. 11 3. Allegro
Concerto Grosso F-Dur Op. 3 Nr. 4a Hwv 315
  1. 12 1. (ohne Satzbezeichnung)
  2. 13 2. Andante
  3. 14 3. Allegro
  4. 15 4. Allegro
Concerto Grosso D-Moll Op. 3 Nr. 5 Hwv 316
  1. 16 1. (ohne Satzbezeichnung)
  2. 17 2. Fuga: Allegro
  3. 18 3. Adagio
  4. 19 4. Allegro ma non troppo
  5. 20 5. Allegro
Concerto Grosso D-Dur Op. 3 Nr. 6 Hwv 317
  1. 21 1. (ohne Satzbezeichnung)
  2. 22 2. Improvisation
  3. 23 3. Allegro
Konzert Für Orgel Und Orchester Nr. 13 F-Dur Hwv 295 "kuckuck Und Nachtigall"
  1. 24 1. Larghetto
  2. 25 2. Allegro
  3. 26 3. Organo ad libitum
  4. 27 4. Larghetto
  5. 28 5. Allegro

Disk 3 von 8 (CD)

Giulio Cesare Hwv 17 (Julius Cäsar, Oper In 3 Akten) (Gesamtaufnahme)
  1. 1 Overture
  2. 2 Viva il nostro Alcide (1. Akt)
  3. 3 Viva il nostro Alcide
  4. 4 Empio, dirò, tu sei, togliti
  5. 5 Priva son d'ogni conforto, e pur speme
  6. 6 Svegliatevi nel core, furie d'un alma offesa
  7. 7 Non disperar, chi sà? Se al regno
  8. 8 L'empio, sleale, indegno vorria
  9. 9 Alma del gran Pompeo
  10. 10 Non è si vago e bello il fior nel prato
  11. 11 Tutto può donna vezzosa, s 'amorosa
  12. 12 Nel tuo seno, amico sasso
  13. 13 Cara speme, questo core tu cominci a lusingar
  14. 14 Tu la mia stella

Disk 4 von 8 (CD)

  1. 1 Va tacito e nascosto, quand' avito
  2. 2 Tu sei il cor di questo cor
  3. 3 Son nata a lagrimar - Son a sospirar
  4. 4 Eseguisti, o Niren (2. Akt)
  5. 5 Sinfonia
  6. 6 V'adoro, pupille, saette d'Amore
  7. 7 Se in fiorito
  8. 8 Cornelia, e pio Achilla
  9. 9 Se a me non sei crudele
  10. 10 Si spietata
  11. 11 Cessa omai
  12. 12 L'angue offeso
  13. 13 Curio, e detti
  14. 14 Al lampo dell' armi

Disk 5 von 8 (CD)

  1. 1 Che sento? - Se pietà
  2. 2 Belle dee
  3. 3 L'aura che spira
  4. 4 Da fulgor (3. Akt)
  5. 5 Sinfonia
  6. 6 Vinta cadesti - Domerò
  7. 7 Piangeò
  8. 8 Dall' ondoso - Aure, deh, per pietà
  9. 9 Quell torrente
  10. 10 La giustizia
  11. 11 Voi, che mie fide ancelle
  12. 12 Da tempeste
  13. 13 Non ha più

Disk 6 von 8 (CD)

  1. 1 Sinfonia
  2. 2 Caro - Bella
  3. 3 Ritorni omai
  4. 4 Qui perde un momento
Wassermusik Suite Nr. 1 F-Dur Hwv 348
  1. 5 1. Overture: Largo - Allegro
  2. 6 2. Adagio e staccato
  3. 7 3. Allegro - Andante - Allegro da capo
  4. 8 4. Minuet
  5. 9 5. Air
  6. 10 6. Minuet
  7. 11 7. Bourrée
  8. 12 8. Hornpipe
  9. 13 9. Andante
  10. 14 10. Variation 1 (Über Hwv 331 / 1)
  11. 15 11. Variation 2 (Über Hwv 331 / 2: Alla Hornpipe )
Wassermusik Suite Nr. 3 G-Dur Hwv 350
  1. 16 1. Minuet
  2. 17 2. Rigaudon 1 - Rigaudon 2 - Rigaudon 1 da capo
  3. 18 3. Menuet 1 - Menuet 2 - Menuet da capo
  4. 19 4. Gigue 1 - Gigue 2 - Gigue da capo
Wassermusik Suite Nr. 2 D-Dur Hwv 349
  1. 20 1. Allegro
  2. 21 2. Alla Hornpipe
  3. 22 3. Minuet
  4. 23 4. Lentement
  5. 24 5. Bourrée

Disk 7 von 8 (CD)

Der Messias Hwv 56 (Oratorium) (Gesamtaufnahme)
  1. 1 Sinfony
  2. 2 Accompagnato: Comfort ye, my people, saith your God
  3. 3 Arie: Every valley shall be exalted
  4. 4 Chor: And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed
  5. 5 Accompagnato: Thus saith the Lord of Hosts
  6. 6 Arie: But who may abide the day of His coming?
  7. 7 Chor: And He shall purify the sons of Levi
  8. 8 Rezitativ: Behold, a virgin shall concieve - Arie mit Chor: O thou that tellest food tidings to Zion, arise
  9. 9 Accompagnato: For behold, darkness shall cover the earth
  10. 10 Arie: The people that walked in darkness
  11. 11 Chor: For unto us a child is born
  12. 12 Sinfonia pastorale - Rezitativ: There were shepherds abiding in the field - Accompagnato: And Io, the angel of the Lord
  13. 13 Chor: Glory to God in the highest
  14. 14 Arie: Rejoice greatly, o daughter of Zion
  15. 15 Rezitativ: Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened - Arie: He shall feed His flock like a shepherd
  16. 16 Chor: His yoke is easy, and His burthen is light
  17. 17 Chor: Behold the Lamb of God
  18. 18 Arie: He was despised and rejected of men
  19. 19 Chor: Surely He hath borne our griefs
  20. 20 Chor: And with His stripes we are healed
  21. 21 Chor: All we like sheep have gone astray

Disk 8 von 8 (CD)

  1. 1 Accompagnato: All they that see Him laugh Him to scorn
  2. 2 Chor: He trusted in God that He would deliver Him
  3. 3 Accompagnato: They rebuke hath broken His heart
  4. 4 Arioso: Behold and see if there be any sorrow
  5. 5 Accompagnato: He was cut off out of the land of the living - Arie: But Thou didst not leave His soul in hell
  6. 6 Chor: Lift up your heads, o ye gates
  7. 7 Rezitativ: Unto which of the angels said He at any time
  8. 8 Chor: Let all the angels of God worship Him
  9. 9 Arie: Thou art gone up on high
  10. 10 Chor: The Lord gave the world
  11. 11 Arie: How beautiful are the feet of them
  12. 12 Chor: Their sound is gone out into all lands
  13. 13 Arie: Why do the nations so furiously rage togehter
  14. 14 Chor: Let us break their bons asunder
  15. 15 Rezitativ: He that dwelleth in heaven shall laugh them to scorn - Arie: Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron
  16. 16 Chor: Hallelujah!
  17. 17 Arie: I know that my Redeemer liveth
  18. 18 Chor: Since by man came death
  19. 19 Accompagnato: Behold, I tell you a mystery - Arie: The trumpet shall sound
  20. 20 Rezitativ: Then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written - Duet: O death, where is thy sting?
  21. 21 Chor: But thanks be God who giveth us the victory
  22. 22 Arie: If God be for us, who can be against us?
  23. 23 Chor: Worthy is the Lamb that was slain - Amen

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